Italian artist Andrea Cassar to speak at Italian American club meeting Feb. 21

Feb 16, 2017 900

The Italian American Heritage Club will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 6:45 p.m. at The Farm House at The Grand Colonial on Rt. 173 in Hampton, NJ. The guest speaker will be Italian artist, Andrea Cassar.  Andrea wa born in Siracusa, Italy and is a fourth generation artist.

He specializes in painting, sculpting and graphic design.  His work includes oil painting, glass art, ceramics and the newest medium of portraits in lipstick. To meet Andrea and find out more about The Italian American Heritage Club call Rose DeSantis at (908) 310 9844 or email her at [email protected]  to make a reservation for the buffet dinner at $29.00.  All are welcome.


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