by Mauro Battocchi   As the Internet of Things (IoT) movement grows, we are seeing more machines talking to each other, known as M2M communication. This type of technology is especially interesting to big businesses like shipping and manufacturing. By making their machines smarter, these enterprises can gain greater efficiencies and avoid co...

Since Italian cuisine is routinely singled out as Americans' favorite foreign fare, it's a miracle that most restaurant kitchens aren't knee-deep in gnocchi. But here in the Twin Cities, we're not exactly awash in Italian restaurants. Serious ones, anyway.   That's about to change. Not one, not two, but three high-profile Italian restaurants...

by Mark Kanny   For someone who's recently won a Grammy and whose career is thriving, trumpeter Chris Botti remains pretty levelheaded. He's completely into his music, but remains the kind of person who acknowledges his humble beginnings.   "I am one of the most fortunate people in the music industry," says Botti, who performs at...

di Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino   Da giovanissimo, nel 1968, ha fondato la Comunità Sant'Egidio, ha insegnato da ordinario di Storia Contemporanea all'Università di Bari, alla Sapienza e alla Terza Università degli Studi di Roma. Nel 2003 è stato nominato dalla rivista Time tra i trentasei "eroi moderni" d'Europa, per la sua fermezza professio...

by Paul Hyde   "Veremonda, L'Amazzone Di Aragona" ("Veremonda, the Amazon of Aragona") takes place on Gibraltar. The Spanish Queen Veremonda, sung by the wonderful Vivica Genaux, is frustrated about the lack of progress in the war against the Moors. What's to account for the delay? King Alfonso is distracted by his scientific studies.  ...

Italy is only eighth in the rankings of the most competitive countries in tourism according to the World Economic Forum, the organizer of the Davos summit.   In the biennial report that lines up 141 countries based on the "Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index," Italy has improved its placement since 2013 (26th) but it still comes in behi...

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, uno dei luoghi storici di una Milano in fasto e in festa per Expo 2015. Oltre il cortile, dopo una visita privata agli schizzi di Leonardo Da Vinci, si è consumata la cena di gala in onore della NIAF, la National Italian American Foundation.   L'occasione è delle più importanti: quest'anno cade il 40esimo anniversario...

Join NOIAW's Rhode Island Region for an "Italian Afternoon" starring violinist Grazia Raimondi at the Newport Music Festival on Saturday, July 18th at 4PM at the Elms Tent in Newport. Raimondi will be joined by seven other classical musicians including Jiří Bárta (cello), Terezie Fialová (piano), and Coline-Marie Orliac (harp.)   The pe...

By Stephen Fries   This column started out with the idea of sleuthing out recipes for dishes you enjoyed at area restaurants. It still does, and has grown to include columns related to "everything food." I have been a subscriber to Bon Appetit magazine for many years and have enjoyed their R.S.V.P. column where they also seek out restau...

by Carla Balzano   Fiorella's in Newtonville is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary in August. Throughout the month, it will be offering delicious dishes for $15. The dishes will vary and rotate daily. Some of the meals they are offering are Lobster Ravioli Florentine, Chicken Limoncello, Pork Chop Madeira, and etc. If that isn't incentiv...

The West Haven Italian American Civic Association will host its second annual Car & Truck Show to benefit Fisher House for military families Sunday at 85 Chase Lane. The event, co-hosted by Blood Sweat and Gears Car Club, will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and there's a donation of $10 per show car.   There will be goodie bags, dash pl...

di Grazia La paglia   Quella sagoma bianca di Marlon Brando su uno sfondo nero inizia a star stretta ai siciliani. L'icona della trilogia de Il Padrino riprodotta su tazze, magliette, portachiavi e accendini è ormai l'immagine di una realtà che punta a voltare pagina e non vuol più essere vista come una terra esclusivamente di mafia.  ...