La cornice è quella imponente ed essenziale dell'Ambasciata italiana, progettata in stile vagamente neoclassico dall'architetto Piero Sartogo. L'occasione è l'Anno della Cultura italiana negli Usa, l'iniziativa del Ministero degli Esteri, sotto l'Alto Patronato della Presidenza della Repubblica, che nel 2013 porterà oltre 200 eventi culturali in ci...

by Sara Norris   Did you know Little Italy is not strictly a community for Sicilians of smallish stature? Well, even if you did, you may not know it like you think you know it, which is why we're giving you the lowdown on everything from how to eat like you have an Italian grandmother to where to go when you need a drink at 6am...   R...

di Beatrice Bondi   Una festa della Repubblica tutta italian style ieri all'ICE, che ha aperto le sue porte al pubblico offrendo una giornata di intrattenimento a 360°, tra mostre, degustazioni, moda e concerti. Una giornata ricca di eventi, alla quale hanno partecipato aziende di primo piano del made in Italy. Tema conduttore la promozione...

by Alex Goff   Former Notre Dame All American Nick Civetta has signed a contract with Lazio 1927 of Italy's Eccellenza league, the country's top professional rugby league.   The 6-9 Civetta suited up for the USA Selects in the fall and had been playing with NYAC, but spent much of this past spring rehabbing from shoulder surgery. But...

The Pittsfield Chapter of UNICO recently held its scholarship awards ceremony at the Italian American Club in Pittsfield, in conjunction with the Paul J. Capitanio Jr. Memorial Football Scholarship award ceremony.   Since 1987, the Pittsfield UNICO chapter has given out more than $238,000 in scholarships throughout Berkshire County. The cere...

By Jamie Wetherbe The mystery of "Mona Lisa's" real-life muse, which has spawned centuries of speculation, could be solved through DNA testing. Researchers on Friday opened a family tomb in Florence, Italy, to help confirm the identity of Lisa Gherardini Del Giocondo, Leonardo da Vinci's neighbor who is believed to be the woman behind the eni...

The world has changed, but the world still needs a great meatball. I do not mean a meatball made from Kobe beef and retailing for $14. I certainly do not mean frozen supermarket meatballs. I mean a simple, delicious and comforting meatball that people make at home.   Except that they don't. Americans think meatballs are so easy to make...

Sbaglia chi pensa che la fuga di cervelli in Italia riguardi solo scienziati e ingegneri. O forse non conosce lo strano caso di Luca Sapio, 38 anni, cantautore dalla voce profonda, quasi nera, con il soul nell'anima e il blues in testa.   Qualche anno fa è partito da Roma in direzione USA, con una valigia e un sogno, quell'american dream int...

Italian food is probably the most delicious and popular cuisine on the planet. But Americans, including Italian Americans, can go into a gastronomic shock when they arrive in Italy to find their favorite comfort food is not listed on the menu. Here are a few suggestions to keep under the radar when visiting Italy:   Pasta and risottoLinguine...

By Craig Davis New Florida Panthers owner Vincent "Vinnie" Viola said he has one objective in mind and is willing to do what it takes to make it happen. "We are committed to provide the resources to the Florida Panthers necessary to win the Stanley Cup." Viola, a Brooklyn native who rooted for the Rangers since 1963, pointed to Thursday's signin...

Ray Mascetti use to wake up in his room inside the attic of his family's home in Torrington to the sound of his father's voice. Eager to wake up him up so he could get some work done, his father would say, in Italian, "He who sleeps, catches no fish!" Mascetti, 75, said that's one of the few Italian phrases he knows even though he doesn't spe...

L'on. Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli, e' intervenuta all'incontro annuale dei Capi degli Uffici consolari e dei Rappresentanti dei Comites e Cgie indetto dall'Ambasciatore italiano a Washington, mentre ieri ha incontrato, sempre a Washington, il Presidente del Senato italiano in visita in America, Grasso. In occasione dell'incontro odierno, che aveva pe...