Embroi­dered Sto­ries: Inter­pret­ing Women’s Domes­tic Needle­work from the Ital­ian Dias­pora

Mar 19, 2016 774

Date: March 24. Time: 7:00 pm. Cost: $7 - $10. Website: http://www.ciiacofnj.org/

The Cen­ter for Ital­ian & Ital­ian Amer­i­can Cul­ture (CIIAC) - 411 Pomp­ton Avenue, Suite 5 - Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 United States

The Cen­ter for Ital­ian & Ital­ian Amer­i­can Cul­ture (CIIAC) will host a pre­sen­ta­tion by Edvige Giunta (Women's His­tory Month) about her lat­est book — "Embroi­dered Sto­ries: Inter­pret­ing Women's Domes­tic Needle­work from the Ital­ian Dias­pora." For Ital­ian immi­grants and their descen­dants, needle­work rep­re­sents a marker of iden­tity, a cul­tural tomb­stone as pow­er­ful as pasta and Neapoli­tan music. Out of the arti­facts of their mem­ory and their descen­dants, they used embroi­dery, sewing, knit­ting and cro­chet­ing to help define who they were and who they have become. This book is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary col­lec­tion of cre­ative work by authors of Ital­ian ori­gin and aca­d­e­mic essays.

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Source: http://www.njitalianheritage.org

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