‘An incredible gesture’: Roma’s donates free lunches to Springboro teachers

Nov 05, 2022 850

BY: Callie Cassick

A local Italian restaurant expressed its appreciation for Springboro Intermediate teachers in a delicious way on Friday. Roma’s Pizza and Pasta, located at 282 West Central Avenue in Springboro, donated enough food for fifty teachers and staff who were all invited to the pasta lunch, according to a Nov. 4 release.

Labi Troni, Owner of Roma’s Pizza and Pasta, reached out to Springboro Schools with the idea to celebrate educators who are working tirelessly this school year. The restaurant provided food to more than 120 Springboro High School employees last December and plans to do the same for the remaining Springboro Schools’ buildings in the coming weeks, the release states.

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SOURCE: https://www.wdtn.com

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