Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò - 24 West 12th Street - New York, NY 10011. OCTOBER 29, 2015 - 06:00 PMA Short History of the Italian Renaissance (I.B. Tauris, 2015) by Virginia Cox (Chair of the Department of Italian Studies, NYU). The author in conversation with Stefano Albertini (NYU) and Christopher Celenza (John...

by Silvia Pieraccini   Local production, global sales. The "glocal" path, strategic for the survival of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), crosses the growth goals of e-commerce colossal, Amazon. The result is a store dedicated to artisan Made in Italy goods which the American group opened recently on its Italian and British sit...

by Jeannine Guilyard   Italy's Oscar contender is about to make its U.S. premiere. Claudio Caligari's "Non essere cattivo" (Don't Be Bad) is in the lineup of "Cinema Italian Style" – LA's annual showcase of conetemporary Italian cinema. Produced by Luce Cinecittà and the American Cinematheque, and under the artistic director of Italian journ...

di Maurita Cardone   Vedere un testo teatrale italiano contemporaneo tradotto per i palcoscenici newyorchesi è di per sé motivo di gioia per chi, come noi, segue la cultura italiana nella Grande Mela e sa quanto raro sia che qualsiasi cosa sia venuta dopo Pirandello (e che non sia Eduardo De Filippo) attraversi l'Atlantico. Ma Dealers of Sou...

Frank Sinatra's 100th birthday would have been Saturday and the Coachella Valley is celebrating with special music and menu deals at restaurants and hotels all this week.   We've singled out a dozen Sinatra-related celebrations happening this week, but this still makes up only a fraction of quality activities happening in and around the dese...

Sarà la sede dell'Ambasciata d'Italia ad ospitare l'Italian Short Film Day organizzato dall'Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Washington DC. L'evento si terrà dalle 19 alle 21 di lunedì, 21 dicembre, che nell'emisfero boreale è il giorno più corto dell'anno e, come tale, il giorno in cui in tutto il mondo vengono celebrati i cortometraggi. L'ini...

Il piano Made in Italy va. La strategia per la promozione della qualità agroalimentare italiana negli Stati Uniti nell'ultima parte di quest'anno (anche con un video realizzato appositamente da Silvio Muccino) sta, infatti, registrando un incremento del 40% delle vendite di prodotti italiani autentici e l'inserimento di oltre 120 nuovi fornitori e...

A new men's clothing store called Lord Midas opened in downtown Des Moines recently. "Everything is made in Italy, exclusively made in Italy," Max Stanco said. Stanco was born in New York and raised in Italy. He opened his first clothing store in Des Moines at Sixth and Locust streets. Men's suits are priced from $1,000 to $3,000, bu...

By Anna Spiegel   Boston-based restaurateur Michael Schlow is building a strong presence in Washington, having opened two popular restaurants in the District—Tico and the Riggsby—in under two years. Next up for the James Beard Award-winning chef: Alta Strada, an Italian osteria, and a still-unnamed international crudo bar, all bound for the...

by Julie Besonen   On any given weekend, NoLIta's tastefully curated boutiques are brimming with avid shoppers. Over on the Bowery, the New Museum draws contemporary art lovers. Seekers of spiritual atonement — or the merely curious — slip into the Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, a historic sanctuary on the corner of Mott and Prince...

by Christopher Barca   For the second straight year, Community Board 5 voted to keep Fresh Pond Road between Woodbine and Menahan free of revelers in early September. In a 27-8 decision, the board turned down an application by the Federazione Italo-Americana di Brooklyn and Queens to host its 23rd annual street fair from Sept. 8 to 11,...

By Catherine Accardi Peter Mondavi Sr., Napa Valley visionary responsible for the success of his family's winery for more than 50 years died on February 20th at his home in St. Helena, California. He was 101.   Mondavi was born in Virginia, Minnesota, on November 8, 1914, to Cesare and Rosa Grassi Mondavi, natives of Sassoferrato in the Mar...