Death, Eros, and Literary Enterprise in Pier Paolo Pasolini

Mar 26, 2013 1430

A Lecture by Ryan Calabretta-Sajder followed by a film.

Brief Introduction: Sandra Celli Harris

The lecture will briefly introduce the life and works of Pier Paolo Pasolini, paying particular attention to the themes of 'death, eros, and literary enterprise.' Attention will be paid to Pasolini's untimely and horrific assassination.

Film: Pasolini: un delitto italiano (Pasolini: An Italian Crime) Director: Marco Tullio Giordana

Date: april 8

Time: 7 pm

Price: Suggested donation $10 ICCC Members, $15 Non-Members

Place: ICCC Houston 

The Italian Cultural & Community Center

1101 Milford

Houston, Texas 77006

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