by Claudia Astarita   The food farming sector is still one of the engines of Italian economy. This is why it seems essential to make it innovative by investing on it. As a result, as reported by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, the Italian government has given out 21 million Euros to improve the performance in this field, devoting the...

Votto Vines Importing is pleased to announce its inclusion on the first-ever Entrepreneur e360™ List, Entrepreneur Magazine's new and prestigious list honoring the Best Entrepreneurial Companies in America. This list recognizes entrepreneurial companies for their growth, innovations, progressive decision-making, resilience, and value they bring to...

In 1959 the Neapolitan ethnologist Ernesto de Martino was traveling around Salento with a psychologist, a musicologist and a sociologist.   The object of their studies were the "tarantate," the ritual cure for the peasants bitten by the taranta, a black spider. If an ethnologist today would like to repeat De Martino's trip, he would be wise...

By Mary Pols   Jenn Legnini has a newish farm and a very new restaurant, but neither quite fit traditional definitions. Turtle Rock, her farm/"craft cannery" in Brunswick, comprises just one-third of an acre for vegetables, although her commercially licensed kitchen is filled with both percolating pots and ideas for value-added products. &n...

Ci sono notizie che fa sempre piacere leggere. Come quella che in una competizione internazionale bandita dalle Nazioni Unite, alla quale hanno partecipato centocinquanta progetti da trenta paesi del mondo, tra i cinque premiati ci sono quattro italiani (e un progetto indiano). I vincitori si sono distinti, si legge nelle motivazioni, per "original...

Less than one month ago, the Italian Minister of agricultural policies Maurizio Martina igned a pact on Common Agricultural Policy (Pac) together with the Italian regions.   To support young Italian entrepreneurs in the development of the agricultural sector, from 2014 to 2020 €52billion will be allocated. Of these, €27b are subsidized direc...

by Mollie Simon  Since its founding in 1222, the University of Padua, or the Università degli Studi di Padova in Italian, has been home to countless experimenters, including Copernicus and Galileo. Soon, University of Georgia students will be able to conduct research at this same institution. By the end of 2015, UGA and University o...

Dopo Expo (anno magico per il food in Italia) che cosa ci aspetta per il 2016? L'esposizione universale ha permesso di comprendere meglio i cambiamenti che oggi il mondo dell'alimentazone sta attraversando, nuovi settori dell'innovazione sono emersi, dalla Rural Social Innovation all'Internet of Food per esempio.   Ne abbiamo parlato conClau...

di Ermanno Lucchini   Lei accompagna il gregge chiamando le pecore per nome, lui le munge. Lei accarezza quelle tenere creature lanose, lui le tosa.   Valeria ha una laurea in veterinaria in sospeso, Ovidio un sorriso assassino che ha impedito a quella studentessa impertinente di tornare a Teramo a discutere la sua ricerca sulla "peco...

by Annamaria Capparelli   An increasing number of young Italians are pursuing careers in agriculture, industry associations say, and funds are being earmarked especially to support their plans for innovation in the sector. Farm sector employees under the age of 35 rose by 15% in the first three months of this year, agriculture organization...