by Mollie Simon  Since its founding in 1222, the University of Padua, or the Università degli Studi di Padova in Italian, has been home to countless experimenters, including Copernicus and Galileo. Soon, University of Georgia students will be able to conduct research at this same institution. By the end of 2015, UGA and University o...

Dopo Expo (anno magico per il food in Italia) che cosa ci aspetta per il 2016? L'esposizione universale ha permesso di comprendere meglio i cambiamenti che oggi il mondo dell'alimentazone sta attraversando, nuovi settori dell'innovazione sono emersi, dalla Rural Social Innovation all'Internet of Food per esempio.   Ne abbiamo parlato conClau...

di Ermanno Lucchini   Lei accompagna il gregge chiamando le pecore per nome, lui le munge. Lei accarezza quelle tenere creature lanose, lui le tosa.   Valeria ha una laurea in veterinaria in sospeso, Ovidio un sorriso assassino che ha impedito a quella studentessa impertinente di tornare a Teramo a discutere la sua ricerca sulla "peco...

by Annamaria Capparelli   An increasing number of young Italians are pursuing careers in agriculture, industry associations say, and funds are being earmarked especially to support their plans for innovation in the sector. Farm sector employees under the age of 35 rose by 15% in the first three months of this year, agriculture organization...

by Massimo Agostini   Italians have a growing appreciation for agriculture with less environmental impact, or at least practiced with methods that are less likely to use synthetic chemicals, according to Agriculture Ministry data.   And consumers have proved it even more, since the demand for organic food in supermarkets rose by almos...

  WTI Magazine #61    2015 May, 29Author : Coldiretti and Univerde      Translation by:   Italian agriculture has become the "most green" in Europe ranking at the top level for the number of products with designation of origin (PDO/PGI) that safeguard tradition and biodiversity. Italy also holds the leadership in Europe for the number of organic...

Da Manhattan a Washington, dalle Nazioni Unite alla Banca Mondiale, dal Fancy Food - una delle fiere agroalimentari più importanti al mondo - al museo Italoamericano di New York per incontrare i membri delle sedi statunitensi del Pd.   È questa una delle prime tappe del tour americano del ministro delle politiche agricole alimentari e forest...

by Roberto Iotti   The six months of Expo Milano 2015 dedicated to sustainable agriculture with its 20 million visitors helped push the agribusiness trade balance to a new record in November, so much so that the Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies said that the goal of €50 billion in exports by 2020 is increasingly within re...

National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Chairman Joseph V. Del Raso, President John M. Viola and General Counsel Arthur J. Furia welcome the Regional Minister of Agriculture from Italy's Lombardy Region, Gianni Fava, to give the opening remarks at the "Feeding the Planet-Energy for Life" forum in Miami, Fla.

by Sam Desatoff   A Hanford woman is being honored for her work with agriculture and community service. Lilia Giacomazzi will receive the Tapestry Award at the annual Common Threads luncheon on March 16. The Common Threads award recognizes women in agriculture who have chosen to make a philanthropic difference in their communities....