by Marty Cook   Renowned Italian restaurant Mary Maestri's once occupied a stately building on the outskirts of Tontitown, far removed from the hustle and bustle of northwest Arkansas. Now the restaurant, which first opened in 1923, stands on a busy four-lane Springdale street, an icon in name but just another restaurant by outside appe...

Se per molti la conoscenza del Texas è rimasta alle puntate del telefilm Dallas (quello originale degli anni '80, non il sequel di quest'anno), vale certo la pena farci aiutare da chi lo conosce bene per scardinare questo luogo comune e raccontare un po' questo stato che rappresenta l'avanguardia per molte positive issues che fanno dell'America il...

by Loryn Elizares Food may reign supreme as the foremost reason people flock to the Eldorado Great Italian Festival, but that all-you-can-eat pasta and garlic bread can work up a thirst. Four festival booths and some special events will keep you refreshed and ready to eat, grape stomp and shop your way through the festival, running Oct. 10-11. &n...

The hearing before the Pulaski County Judge on the Little Italy petition for incorporation will be held on Monday, July 13 at 2 PM in the Quorum Court room located in the Pulaski County Administration building on 201 S. Broadway in Little Rock.   All are welcome to attend. Details about the hearing TBA.

"Cari Connazionali, desidero ringraziarvi per il sostegno che mi avete dato nella fase iniziale della mia missione quale Console Generale". Inizia così il messaggio che Elena Sgarbi indirizza ai connazionali dalle pagine del Bollettino del Comites di Houston, presieduto da Vincenzo Arcobelli.   "In questi primissimi mesi – ricorda Sgarbi – h...

Not long after Little Italy was settled in central Arkansas, the community became a Prohibition-era oasis for winemakers and consumers. At Legacies & Lunch on Wednesday, May 4, from noon-1 p.m. in the Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) Main Library's Darragh Center, 100 Rock St., Chris Dorer will discuss his book, Images of America: Little...

St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Little Italy (Pulaski County) will host its 86th Annual Spaghetti/Italian Sausage Dinner and Bazaar Sunday, Oct. 6 from 11 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. The all-you-can-eat meal includes spaghetti, original recipe sauce, traditional sausage, bread, salad and dessert.   The cost is $12 for adults, $5 for children aged 6-12 a...

Today, residents of the Little Italy community in northwest Pulaski County will file their petition for incorporation to become Arkansas' 501st municipality. Under Arkansas law and given the population of Little Italy, a minimum of 200 qualified voters living in the proposed boundary must sign the petition before submitting it to the Pulaski County...

Harrison Colony DAR Chapter partnering with the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) sponsors an annual national essay contest in honor of Christopher Columbus. The contest is open to students in grades nine through twelve.   Each year the DAR and the NIAF agree upon a topic for use during the academic year, and contest instructi...

Because I have family that lives there, I find myself in the town of Glenwood several times a year. It's a quiet town on the banks of the Caddo River known for its history as a sawmill town and for the Arkansas cultural treasure that is Billy's House of Guitars. What the town isn't known for is its food, but I'm here to tell you that while options...