September 30, 6-8 pm In an epic poem [Ellis Island] whose structure corresponds to the hours in a year, Viscusi (Buried Caesars, and Other Secrets of Italian American Writing) portrays a world of perpetual change and taxing work, though one interrupted by moments of delicate hope. The ambitious poem explores the Italian American immigrant...
READ MOREThe Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini è l'ultimo libro di Stephen Sartarelli che traduce una selezione di poesie del poeta corsaro. Il lavoro di traduzione delle poesie pasoliniane in lingua inglese è stato presentato alla Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò della New York University, martedì scorso durante un incontro letterario. La serata...
READ MOREThe Italian American Studies Association announces the Italian American Studies Association Book Award to be offered even numbered years for a scholarly work and odd numbered years for a creative work. The first award will be presented in November 2016 at our meeting in Long Beach, CA. (The recipient need not be present.) The award of $500 will be...
READ MOREby Rick Zullo I'm making a prediction: this podcast episode will become my most downloaded track on iTunes within a short time. What makes me think this? Well, two things. First, because the title is certain to attract people's attention when it pops up in a search. From my Google stats, I know that "dating Italian women," "sex in Italy,"...
READ MOREThere are very few people in the US and in Italy that have dedicated their life to study the Italian American community as much as Anthony Tamburri. We the Italians has been willing to interview him for a long time: and so, we're very happy to be able to offer all our readers, both in the US and in Italy, this Christmas gift. And we're grateful to...
READ MORE"So You Wanna Be Italian? - An Artist's Journey Exploring Her Roots" is a series of vignettes on various famous Italian figures who have had influence on the life of Anna Filameno. Anna gives us a unique experience as she explores her Italian roots. Each page has a beautiful background graphic art illustration that helps tell the story of each vignet...
READ MORENon importa come sarà il futuro, spiega Bruce Sterling, celebre autore di libri di fantascienza e, se si può dire, esperto del ramo. Soprattutto, dice, per quanto riguarda l'Italia. «Parlare di futuro implica decidere quale futuro si considera, se a breve termine, a medio termine o a lungo termine. L'Italia ha una grande storia, e il futuro al...
READ MOREdi Federico Peloso Ieri 3 luglio, nell'auditorium della chiesa dei Cappuccini di Andria, è stato presentato A sicilian patriot – Giovanni Falcone e Gli Stati Uniti d'America (Cacucci editore), l'ultimo libro di Giannicola Sinisi. «Questo lavoro - ha spiegato l'autore ed ex sindaco di Andria - è una pura raccolta di documentazion...
READ MOREBy Terry Date Tom Zappala, 62, is back in the old Italian neighborhood this spring day dropping by the place where he grew up, home to memories that unfold on the pages in his book "Bless Me Sister." It's a nostalgic and often humorous look back to the late 1950s and 1960s in a six-block area rich in Italian-American culture, a time...
READ MOREby John D. Calandra Italian American Institute We are delighted to present two books of poetry. Joey Nicoletti's Reverse Graffiti (Bordighera Press, 2015) has been hailed as a collection of "powerful, heartfelt poems that bring an era to life," stated Maria Mazziotti Gillan. She continued, "Nicoletti's book ... is dotted with ima...