by Bonnie North   After spending 17 years living in Italy, lardo (Italian for lard) was the only thing, food or otherwise, that Wendy Olsen did not fall in love with. She recently published her first book, titled Loving Lardo, chronicling her experience in the country she loves.   Born in Orleans, France, and raised in Wisconsin, Olse...

by Margaret Morgan   On October 27, Lidia Bastianich's latest cookbook "Lidia's Mastering the Art of Italian Cuisine" subtitled Everything You Need to Know to be a Great Italian Cook, will be released by Random House. What Julia Child brought to the kitchen with her"Mastering the Art of French Cooking" Lidia Bastianich has done with her late...

New York, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 2010, pp.299, $28.   Versione inglese del precedente Quei bravi ragazzi (Marsilio, 2007) curato dai soli Spagnoletti e Muscio, il presente volume si arricchisce di due nuovi curatori (Sciorra e Tamburri), andandosi a inserire nel sempre più numeroso gruppo di studi dedicati nel nuovo mil...

By Rolando Vitale The Real Rockys: A History of the Golden Age of Italian Americans in Boxing 1900­–1955 is the first book to explore the history of Italian Americans in boxing. It is a fascinating collection of sociological essays and detailed appendices, examining the role and achievements of the Italian American prizefighter. From humble immigr...

Viterbo, Sette Città, 2012, pp.118, € 12.   A sette anni dalla sua discussione come tesi di dottorato presso l'Università di Trieste questo lavoro trova spazio in sede editoriale. Nel tempo trascorso da allora Pretelli ha dato alle stampe numerosi altri contributi di storia delle migrazioni italiane sotto forma di saggi e volumi e si è confrontat...

Award-winning Newport News poet Ann Falcone Shalaski was born in Connecticut and "nurtured by a warm, loving, and at times loud Italian family," according to her website. Her second and newest book of poems, "Without Pretense," is dedicated to her parents, Fred and Seraphina Falcone.   It is about her everyday experiences from childhood as a...

Can Italy avoid seven more years of lean cows? Yes, but only if we restart thinking long-term. Today's strategic decisions will determine what Italy will be in 2020. Italy should restore hope in the young generations and rediscover some of its traditional strengths: stimulate social mobility by promoting meritocracy starting from schools;  ...

Communities — cities — need Catholic schools. Why? What is to be done in an environment when the closing of Catholic elementary and secondary schools have big cities and small towns alike?   In their book Lost Classroom, Lost Community: Catholic Schools' Importance in Urban America, Margaret F. Brinig and Nicole Garnett document the importan...

I didn't grow up around Italian Americans in Southern California but I am fascinated by their strong sense of La Famiglia. My boxing gym is owned and run by a bevy of Italian American cousins, half-brothers, and brothers who speak a distinct dialect called The Lake language.   Their most famous cohort is Matt LeBlanc from the sitcom Friends....

  WTI Magazine #83    2016 September 16Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Ciao from Rome! Welcome to the 83th issue of our online magazine. September is here, the summer has gone, and we are preparing for the October tour that will see us presenting We the Italians in 13 cities on the East Coast and in the Midwest (West Coast will be...