By Nick Squires A priceless collection of ancient Roman and other artefacts was returned to Italy on Wednesday after a trans-Atlantic investigation into stolen or looted treasures being sold to universities, museums and private collectors in the United States. The hoard included three fragments of first century AD frescoes from Pompeii, the ancie...

A motherland of artists and scientists that changed the shape of the world, home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage sites, and a kaleidoscope of bewitching vistas - Bella Italia! From the staggering antiquities of Rome and the alluring romance of Venice to the rolling hills of Tuscany and the cosmopolitan flair of Milan, the country is...

Here, Roman historian and archaeologist Dr Joanne Berry shares eight lesser-known Pompeii facts...   1) Pompeii is not frozen in time, nor is it a perfect time-capsule The eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 caused vast damage – fires were started, rooftops were swept away, columns collapsed. Most of the inhabitants of the town escaped into t...

Yesterday at the Italian Cultural Institute, was the official unveiling of the Treasures from Naples' Teatro di San Carlo, a stunning collection of rare stage costumes, jewels, tapestries, and other treasures, whose provenance spans the last 250 years of Teatro di San Carlo's rich history. The auction of these items at the June 15th Gala Dinner and...

by Jonathan Bazzi   Italy's coastlines and seas are the setting of a large number of ancient stories, legends and myths. With tragic tales of love, revenge inflicted by capricious gods and miraculous intervention by saints, Italian popular culture has inherited and embraced many legends that come directly from ancient Greece, ancient Rome an...

The Mnemoteca di Sessa Aurunca is located in two rooms of the Ducal Castle and contains a collection of the letters written by family members from 1917 to 1941; they were inhabitants of Sessa Aurunca who emigrated to the Americas (United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay). When, during the tragic years of World War II, assistance f...

L'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles ospita dal 14 settembre al 2 novembre "Inside Out: Interni Pompeiani tra spazio e tempo", una mostra di fotografie storiche e contemporanee, opere grafiche, mappe e video che mettono in evidenza il processo di riscoperta, la documentazione e la conservazione delle antiche città di Pompei e di Ercolano.F...

Fra simboli esoterici, epifanie massoniche e luoghi pieni di fascino e mistero, l'Italia è piena di luoghi 'stregati'! Beh, non proprio stregati, ma legati a leggende o piccole curiosità, che magari non conoscete ancora. Se siete curiosi di fare un salto nell'Italia più "occulta" e scoprire piccoli misteri e storie affascinanti, preparate la valigi...

The Royal Palace in Caserta opens its historic apartments to host Secret Vanvitelli: His Painters from Conca to Giaquinto (La Cathedra Petri) until October 31st.   The exposition sheds light on Luigi Vanvitelli the painter, and Vanvitelli the artist-inventor of decorative art, while at the same time looking at works by some of his most estee...

Dolls are often sad. The people working in the Doll Hospital in Naples know it well: day in and day out, "doctors" here diagnose young and old patients made in wood, papier-mâché, porcelain and plastic. Along these crowded hallways, working-class puppets and aristocratic 'pupi' are all treated the same, and precious Lenci ceramic dolls receive the...