Si terrà Sabato 22 Settembre dalle ore 09:00 la XII edizione del "Premio Internazionale Joe Petrosino". La manifestazione si svolgerà a Padula, città natale dell'eroico poliziotto italo-americano presso l'aula consiliare. Figura emblematica della lotta alla criminalità, Petrosino nacque a Padula nel 1860, emigrato a New York entrò a far parte del...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #41 2014 July, 30Author : Giglio Society of East Harlem Translation by: A continuing united effort is underway between our Brother's and Friends in Brusciano, Italy the birthplace of the East Harlem Giglio Feast and The Giglio Society of East Harlem ( The Festa Del Giglio In Honor of Sant' Anton...
READ MOREOne reason Sicilians tend to identify with Sicily first and Italy (a distant) second? Sicilian food. The same goes for Veneto in the north or Puglia in the south. Italy is a young country -- it only celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2011. Despite the successful export of the "Italian restaurant," the idea of a unified Italian cuis...
READ MOREdi Claudia Baroncelli Recent excavations have brought to light an extraordinary discovery: an ancient treasure hidden in an aristocratic Roman villa in Positano (Campania). The abode (located under the crypt of Santa Maria Assunta church) is in the list of those villas destroyed by the eruption of the mount Vesuvius in 79 AC and the subseq...
READ MORECasa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò - 24 West 12th Street - New York, NY 10011 - DECEMBER 07, 2015. 06:00 PMScreening: 41 PARALLELO: New Animated Films from Naples. In collaboration with Napoli Film Festival. All the films are in ITALIAN with ENGLISH subtitles. CHELL' CA SENT [What I feel] (2015, Italy, 3 min.)....
READ MORELooking for some last-minute stocking stuffer ideas? Wrap up your Christmas shopping with a culturally rewarding gift. I highly recommend these CDs featuring 17th and 18th century Christmas music from Naples. • Peppe Barra: La Cantata Dei Pastori. Read description• Francesco Durante: Neapolitan Christmas I. Read description• Francesco Du...
READ MOREdi Riccardo Chioni Non c'è dubbio che la città di Greenwich in Connecticut respira e parla italiano, i dati lo confermano.Qui si registra infatti la più alta densità di italiani d'America con una particolarità che li contraddistingue: provengono tutti da due paesini, Rose in provincia di Cosenza e Morra de Sanctis in provincia di Avellino,...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #30 2014 May, 15Author : Jennifer Gentile Martin Translation by: Italy has hundreds of grape varietals, which the majority of them many won't know. The varietal I'm writing about today comes from southern Italy and is called Falanghina.
READ MORELiving nativity scenes and pageants, in Italian "presepi viventi", are quite common in Italy. Living nativity scenes are usually presented for several days, thanks to the fact that many people in Italy enjoy wearing a costume and act out the parts of the nativity. Considering that in many parts of Italy living nativity scenes have become a...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #50 2014 December, 26Author : Translation by: With every new start to the Christmas season, the shopping race takes off, and the Italian streets are filled with exquisitely festive colors and light. Shop windows are decorated to attract the eye, while most cities also host their own Christmas markets, where you...