Era l'estate del 2005 quando Tullio Pinelli, una delle penne più raffinate del cinema italiano, ma si potrebbe dire del cinema del '900 tout court, affidava un baule ricolmo di scartoffie allo studioso e critico Augusto Sainati.   Lo sceneggiatore di "La dolce vita", ormai 97enne, confessò in quella circostanza di non ricordare il contenuto...

High quality Italian food products from the Campania region south of Rome will be featured until the end of October at Eataly food shops in New York City first, and later in Chicago.The promotion of regional agribusinesses in these American markets has been organized by regional officials as well as Unioncamere, representing Italy's chambers of com...

"Con la pubblicazione sull' ultimo Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Campana della delibera di giunta con la quale si avvia il procedimento per la registrazione del marchio "Campania", diamo il via ad un'azione finalizzata alla promozione ed alla tutela del marchio dei prodotti regionali." Così l'assessore alle Attività produttive della Regione Ca...

"Rebuild the ancient Pompeii. Clear pictures of archaeological ruins and discover the ancient comus the splendid frescoes, the monumental temples of Pompeii how they really were before the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD." This is the description of Pompei touch a new app developed by the Neapolitan 3D and Web Designer Raffaele Gentiluomo.  ...

Naples is a very old place and has many legends and spirits associated with it. Of the two most famous spirits in Naples, the bella 'Mbriana is certainly the more positive one. The other is Munaciello, a much darker and frightening entity that I intend to write about some time in the future. The two are often mentioned together when the topic of Ne...

Discover your inner chef and Italy's incredibly diverse culinary landscape to create your own 3 course masterpiece! Six classes introduce the distinct and exciting cuisines of 6 Italian regions. Each class lasts 4 hours. You will cook in a newly equipped kitchen at the Dante Alighieri Society in Kendall Square, Cambridge, and enjoy your meal with w...

  WTI Magazine #65    2015 July, 24Author : Giuseppina Dede      Translation by:   Maybe you are wondering... Museo del Cognome? What could it be? This is not the first time I heard these questions but well, you are right, you are curious and curiosity is often something good and I think you will be more curious after reading what I am going to...

  WTI Magazine #54    2015 February, 20Author :      Translation by:   Italy is the birthplace of opera, and of numerous worldwide known and loved composers: Paganini, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi, Puccini, Mascagni, Monteverdi, Salieri, Tartini, Vivaldi, and so on. No less numerous are the international composers that have been inspired...

I confess that I would have liked to have been present for the laying of the first stone of the Royal Palace of Caserta. According to the chronicles of the time, it was a spectacular event. The year was 1752. The chosen date was January 20, a Thursday, coinciding with the 36th birthday of King Charles III of Bourbon.   A large number of...

  WTI Magazine #65    2015 July, 24Author : Giovanni Verde      Translation by:   Joseph Petrosino was born by the name Giuseppe in Padula, a small town in the province of Salerno, in Campania, on August 30, 1860. He is just one of many Italian immigrants: he will become a symbol of the America that the struggle for justice, against all kinds of...