Si rafforza l'asse tra gli Stati Uniti e le imprese campane. Per la prima volta, infatti, si riuniscono intorno ad uno stesso tavolo i rappresentanti delle quattro associazioni italo-americane che da anni curano i rapporti commerciali, economici e culturali sul fronte italo-americano.Amcham in Italy, Niaf, Amerigo e Mentoring Italia si sono confron...
READ MORENaples, December 16, 2011 On December 16, 2011, the Consulate celebrated the 215th anniversary of U.S. diplomatic relations with Naples and the Kingdom of two Sicilies with a reception attended by more than 100 guests including Mayor of Naples De Magistris, President of Campania Region Caldoro, Prefect De Martino and members of the media, academia...
READ MOREby Morena Pivetti This weekend Italy will hold regional and municipal elections. About 22 million voters are eligible to choose the government of seven Regions, Veneto and Liguria in the North, Tuscany, Umbria and Marche in the Center and Campania and Puglia in the South. Voters are also called to elect more than 1,000 municipalit...
READ MOREdi Maurita Cardone Letterature a confronto da Manhattan al Golfo di Napoli. La settima edizione del festival letterario Le Conversazioni, ideato da Antonio Monda e Davide Azzolini, è stata presentata ieri, mercoledì 8 maggio, alla Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò della New York University. Vincitori e Vinti è il tema di quest'anno che, ci spi...
READ MOREIn Europe, German tour operators taking travelers to Italy report increased bookings especially with respect to holidays in Italian mountains rather than cultural destinations. British, French and Spanish tour operators all report positive sale trends as well. Tour operators from Sweden reported +3% in sales of Italian tours, Danish tour o...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #42 2014 September, 3Author : Translation by: In the Monumental Complex of San Domenico Maggiore, in Naples, the exhibition "Masterpieces in detail" has been inaugurated. The project, which merges art and technology at its pure state, is conceived and directed by Renato Parascandolo, produced and realized...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #56 2015 March, 20Author : Translation by: All the colors of the Amalfi Coast, the sea's deep deep blue, the striking green forests and the golden orange of the citrus groves seem to meet up in Vietri, particularly in the glazes and decorations of this gorgeous Campanian town's beautiful ceramics, produced sinc...
READ MOREWhen traveling to Italy, there are many great cities to choose from. Everyone knows about Rome, and many have seen its splendors through the eyes of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Fashion lovers will find the catwalks and shops of Milan to be inspiring. Those who love romance often head for Venice. The architecture lovers head for Floren...
READ MOREThe average life expectancy in the United States is approximately 78 years old. Americans live longer, with better diets and improved health care, than ever before, but only 0.02% will hit the century mark. To understand how people can live longer throughout the world, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine h...
READ MOREAnche gli sposi americani privilegiano l'Italia rispetto ad altre destinazioni per trascorrervi la loro luna di miele definendola "imbattibilmente la più romantica" tra le 20 maggiori destinazioni più richieste. Il nostro Paese, infatti, già decretato vincente da parte delle giovani coppie in arrivo dalla Cina e dall'India, si è aggiudicat...