Etna basalt, which is dark grey or blackish in colour, is formed by the slow solidification of the volcanic lava flows as they cool. It is a natural product that is extracted in all the municipalities of the province of Catania within reach of the lava. The ancient Romans already knew the characteristics of this special stone, which is particularly...

Joe Ficalora, noto banchiere di New York, italoamericano di origini siciliane, secondo quanto riporta “”, ha donato 50mila dollari all’ospedale di Bronte per potenziare il pronto soccorso contro il Covid-19, con un ventilatore e altre apparecchiature. Presidente, amministratore delegato e direttore della «New York Community Bank» (uno degli i...

“Etna giveth and Etna taketh away” is the mantra of the locals who have lived in symbiosis for millennia with this imposing volcanic peak—one of the most active in the world—that looms over Sicily’s eastern coastline. Its uninterrupted belching of ash and dust for the past 500,000 years has coated Mt. Etna’s slopes in a fertile mantle of volcanic s...

Video: February 18 2020 Roma, Italy

The people of Catania look forward to it all year. On the main days of the festival, from February 3rd to the 5th, the city comes to a standstill to celebrate Saint Agatha of Sicily, patron saint of Catania. The unique event blends devotion, folklore, and tradition. The Christian festival attracts devotees and tourists from all over the world. Each...

A 16 anni era tra gli spet­ta­to­ri del­lo sto­ri­co Ma­kum­ba a bal­la­re al rit­mo del roc­ka­bil­ly del suo ido­lo Tav Fal­co alla sua pri­ma ap­pa­ri­zio­ne in Si­ci­lia. Era l’e­po­ca del­la Ca­ta­nia che so­gna­va di di­ven­ta­re la Seat­tle ita­lia­na. Sul pal­co, poco pri­ma del­l’ar­ti­sta ame­ri­ca­no si era­no sca­te­na­ti i Bop­pin’ Kid...

I have been intrigued by the wines of Sicily for some time now and am always excited about the opportunity to try them, especially those of Mt. Etna.  Being onsite at Firriato, walking on the soils, experiencing the climate and admiring the landscapes I’ve discovered is what makes these wines so special.    Upon arrival in Catania I was greeted by...

Many times my interviews have given light to people and institutions born in America who work to help Italy, improve the bridge between our two countries, and represent in an excellent way an aspect - territorial, thematic, professional or cultural - of being part of the Italian American community. The friend who is today the protagonist of this in...

Luigi Capuana was born in Mineo, Catania province, in 1839 and was one of the foremost protagonists of the verist movement. It was not a formal organisation, but did have literary theory at its heart. Capuana was the first to really expound the principles, which were based on the portrayal of truth or as Luigi, himself, called it ‘the poetry of the...

La Distilleria F.lli Caffo ha effettuato una nuova operazione di carattere strategico affidando, in esclusiva, alla Total Beverage Solution la distribuzione di Vecchio Amaro del Capo negli Stati Uniti d’America. Il nuovo partner collaborerà con la filiale del Gruppo, la CAFFO BEVERAGES INC che segue lo sviluppo dell’intera gamma dei prodotti del Gr...