By Jess Fleming   Tim Niver isn't done yet. The owner of Strip Club Meat and Fish and newly opened Saint Dinette has more plans for the Saintly City -- this time in the form of an Italian restaurant in the West Seventh neighborhood to be called Mucci's.   Niver tweeted Friday morning: "since we've tied things up legally, closed o...

Il turismo ha sempre un ruolo fondamentale nei rapporti tra due Paesi, e nonostante la crisi il periodo delle feste natalizie continua ad essere quello nel quale si viaggia parecchio: molti italiani andranno negli Stati Uniti, anche quest'anno. E' per questo che in quello che questa rubrica interpreta come un viaggio andata e ritorno tra Italia e U...

by Nick Halter   Vescio's has closed its St. Louis Park restaurant after 33 years and sold the property to the owner of Sela Roofing & Remodeling, who plans to eventually redevelop the property and the next-door motel. "We want to thank all of our long time customers to our St. Louis Park location," the Vescio family wrote on Facebo...

The Sweet Taste of Italy's new Stillwater location is set to open in December in the Valley Ridge Mall. This new venue, situated where Fresh Fields was previously located, will be the third in the family-owned restaurant's lineup.   The Sweet Taste of Italy offers home-style Italian meals and specializes in quick-service dining featuring an...

Open House, Wednesday, September 4, 2013, 5:30 -7:30 p.m. Used Class Material Info Below Why Study with Us - Small groups, informal atmosphere and university-educated native speakers provide the ideal environment to learn a foreign language. Our instructors, born and raised in Italy, bring first-hand experience and cultural background of Italian...

Nel nostro viaggio alla scoperta di ciò che è Italia negli USA, intervistiamo oggi Mauro Galli, che presiede la Camera di Commercio italiana a Chicago e anche la più importante associazione che aggrega le aziende americane impegnate nel turismo verso l'Italia. Di questa chiacchierata che dunque in un certo senso vale ... doppio, ringraziamo il Pres...

We are delighted to announce that Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero will visit the Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis/St. Paul Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014.   Ambassador Bisogniero, accompanied by Italian Consul in Chicago, Adriano Monti and Vice-Consul, Marco Graziosi are traveling to Minneapolis to tour the Italian Fashion Exhibit c...

When: 12 Feb 2015, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Location: 528 Hennepin Ave, Suite 502, Minneapolis, MN 55403 Italy's regional richness and diversity will be showcased in a new series "Taste the Regions". Over time, native experts will bring us different Italian regions presenting their history, geography and culinary traditions in an informal...

by Colin Covert   The annual Italian Film Festival returns for its eighth year this weekend, this time offering a largely comedic series that IFF executive director Peter Schilling promises "to help remedy the miserable winter ... they're all a lot of fun." That certainly describes "The Referee" (⋆⋆⋆, unrated, in subtitled Italian, French an...

Una delle opinioni più ricorrenti tra i graditi ospiti di questa rubrica è quella secondo la quale l'unione tra la creatività italiana e il fecondo ambiente americano genera opportunità e successi altrimenti molto difficili. Capita in vari campi, ma mai come in quello della ricerca. Sono migliaia gli scienziati, gli intellettuali e i ricercatori it...