Non è un segreto. Il cibo è sicuramente tra le cosa che il mondo invidia di più alla nostra terra. Per decenni ormai, la dieta mediterranea, rubando il nome al ricco mare che circonda la nostra penisola, si è appropriata di milioni di diverse papille gustative, rapendole con la complessità e la dolcezza dei suoi sconfinati gusti. Per questo motivo,...

As a way to pay homage to Italian culture -- steeped in the arts, architecture, music and, yes, fine cuisine -- and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Italian immigrants, Filippo Giuffre, owner of Zio Toto, hosted an evening of music, dinner and dancing at the popular Tottenville dining spot. The mega event that celebrated Italian Heri...

Saturday November 10th, 7pm EDT. IL Centro, 8711 18th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11214. This presentation has a direct link to the Italian culture. Purposely imagined not to neglect the principal dialects of Il Bel Paese (Italy). It is the product of a brilliant dramatic intuition. The color, the emotions, the flavors recorded in the monologue suit perfe...

In corsa alle midterm Usa del 6 novembre, per il Senato dello Stato di New York, c'è una candidata italiana al 98,9%: Alessandra Biaggi. Democratica, 33 anni, è uno dei volti che vogliono rivoluzionare il partito dell'asinello americano, assieme alla 27enne Julia Salazar e alla portoricana Ocasio-Ortez. Tutte e tre hanno vinto le primarie interne i...

Monday, November 5th, 2018. 8.00-10.00 pm EDT. New York – Carnegie Hall (881 7th Ave, New York, NY 10019). TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE. In an extraordinary event, as part of the autumn tour to the United States, the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, it’s preparing for its Carnegie Hall debut. For the second time the historic Concert Hall will host a c...

Puccini’s “La Fanciulla del West” (“The Girl of the West”) is up next in the Met: Live in HD series of simulcasts at Guild Hall on Saturday at 1 p.m. Based on the play “The Girl of the Golden West” by the American writer David Belasco, the opera premiered at the Met in 1910. The production stars the soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek as Minnie, the gun-sl...

Venerdì 2 novembre alle 18.00, due giorni prima della Maratona di New York, il Consolato generale d’Italia aprirà le sue porte agli italiani che vivranno, sotto le più svariate forme, il sogno della 48esima Maratona. Anche quest’anno, anticipa il Consolato, l’Italia si conferma come uno dei paesi maggiormente rappresentati, con oltre 3mila partecip...

She's back! In a return performance, former Woodrow resident Candice Guardino will star in "Italian Bred," a production set for Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. in the Center for the Arts at the College of Staten Island. FYI: "Italian Bred" is based on true life events and told through the eyes of a little girl growing up Italian on Staten Island. Guardino slips i...

In observance of National Italian-American Heritage Month, city Councilman Paul Vallone (D-Bayside) recognized two local leaders with New York City proclamations last week for their outstanding character and service to the community. Vallone co-sponsored the event, “A Celebration of Italian Heritage,” Oct. 10 inside the City Council Chambers with C...

Let’s pretend we took a random poll through New York City streets, asking random individuals for an opinion about fascism. How many would have anything positive to say? Most likely very few, if any at all. That is because in 2018, more than half a century away from the fall of the greatest fascist regimes in history, fascism is generally (and right...