Nell'ottica di rafforzare la sua espansione sui mercati extraeuropei, Conserve Italia ha stretto un'alleanza commerciale con Colavita, azienda molisana che detiene la leadership assoluta di vendite di olio extravergine di oliva italiano in America.   L'accordo prevede che Conserve Italia utilizzi per la commercializzazione del pomodoro a mar...

by Curtis Cord   A trade group of American olive oil importers blasted the New York Times for what it called a "defamatory and inaccurate" piece on olive oil adulteration in Italy. And Extra Virginity author Tom Mueller said he was "dismayed" that he was cited as the source of the article. In a letter to the New York Times Public Editor, Er...

Nel 2012 l'Italia ha esportato negli USA 133 mila tonnellate di oli vergini di oliva per un valore di 403 milioni di Euro su un totale di circa 1,3 miliardi di Euro di export in tutto il mondo. Vale a dire che un terzo di tutto l'export di olio extra vergine di oliva targato made in Italy vola verso gli USA che restano il primo mercato di riferimen...

In base alle previsioni del Coi, il consiglio oleicolo internazionale, il consumo dell'olio di oliva in generale negli Stati Uniti, nella campagna in corso, dovrebbe attestarsi intorno al 9% del consumo totale mondiale sfiorando le 300mila tonnellate nel 2013.Nel mercato degli oli di oliva importati, gli USA da soli rappresentano una quota del 38%...

by Ylenia Granitto   A report dedicated to mafia involvement in Italian agriculture, and especially the olive oil sector, by CBS News magazine '60 Minutes' on January 3, naturally raised various reactions.   Taking a cue from recent scandals involving adulterated olive oil, CBS News correspondent Bill Whitaker suspected the threat of...

by Giorgio dell'Orefice   The quality of olive oil is certainly a feature, but it can also become a true profession. Those skills, simply handed down from father to son, have been turned into a real profession by the Association of Olive Oil Tasters (ONAOO).   The organization was founded in Imperia in 1983 and after 30 years of honor...

Dopo New York, Los Angeles. Già riconosciuto il migliore al mondo nella categoria "Biologico delicato", l'olio Tamìa di Vetralla mette in bacheca un nuovo risultato.   L'azienda agricola Sergio Delle Monache l'ha annunciato su Facebook: «Dopo il prestigioso "Best in class" ottenuto a New York, abbiamo ricevuto altri due riconoscimenti al "Lo...

"There are only two types of people in the world: Italians and those who want to be Italian." I was born one of the lucky ones. My grandparents were from the towns of Mozzano and Aquasanta (paternal) in the Marches region of Italy. They were poor, hardworking farmers who migrated to this country early in the 20th century seeking a better life. The...

by Silvia Donati   California olive oil producers are hard at work these days, with the olive harvest season currently under way. An unprecedented production of 4 million gallons of extra virgin olive oil is estimated for this year's harvest, almost double what was produced last year.   A sign that the California olive oil industry is...

Italy is full of surprises. Take Foligno, a pre-Roman riverside town in Umbria, which is traditionally famous for its olive harvest and quaint farmhouses. This same town serves as the Italian headquarters of the Umbra Group, a global champion supplier of quality precision hardware used in the aerospace, industrial and biomedical industries. Founded...