Italy is known worldwide for its "Made in Italy" fashion, food, design and fast cars. Those who are active in the manufacturing sectors also know that Italy is one of the largest and most reliable producer of industrial machinery. What not many know yet is that Italy is strong also in the field of information technology, including artificial intell...

Sounds scratched from the urban streets or imagined for the world under the water are mixed with a story of both fact and fiction in Telettrofono, presented by stillspotting nyc on Staten Island. Sound artist Justin Bennett and poet Matthea Harvey used the inventor and Staten Island resident Antonio Meucci and the waterfront neighborhoods of St. Ge...

Two Indiana University faculty members in the IU Bloomington College of Arts and Sciences' Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences have received major recognition for early career contributions to their fields. Computational neuroscientist Franco Pestilli has won the 2016 Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contrib...

L'ICE-Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, organizza una partecipazione collettiva alla BIO International Convention 2016, che si terrà presso il Moscone Center di San Francisco, California dal 6 al 9 giugno 2016. La BIO USA 2016, principale fiera del settore delle biotecnologie, si svolge ogni an...

You can tell she fills with excitement when she has the chance to show an important archaeological find, such as a colored fragment from an 7th-century decoration or a small, sculpted face featuring an enigmatic "archaic smile". And just listening to her, we could not help but feel the same excitement.   Clementina Panella is professor of Ar...

Amid a flurry of anti-immigration rhetoric coming from certain GOP presidential candidates, a new interactive map reminds us just how much of our country's foundation was built on the backs of foreign-born citizens. Foreign-Born Population: A Nation of Overlapping Diasporas visualizes America's history of immigration from the 1850s to 2010. &...

IASA menber Jerome Krase reports on "Seeing Brooklyn Change": A Call for Student Researchers, Photographers, and Videographers: More than 30 years ago, Brooklyn College students, under my direction, created an exhibit that photographically documented life in the borough's Italian American neighborhoods. It was the centerpiece of a conference and al...

by Robin McKie This year's announcement that future documents published by Cern, the world's greatest particle physics laboratory, would appear in Comic Sans, a much-derided typeface designed for children, was unexpected. Using a type created for comic books to unveil complex scientific discoveries seemed akin to publishing papal decrees on Post-i...

Italian classical singer Andrea Bocelli says he might one day get to use the tools that researchers around the world are developing with support from the foundation that bears his name. Scientists and engineers working on high-tech hardware and software to help people with low or no vision make their way through the world gathered at Massachusetts...

Giove non è mai stato più vicino di così. Grazie alla sonda Juno, lanciata il 5 agosto 2011, il pianeta gigante potrebbe rivelare novità importanti sulla sua formazione e sull'universo in generale. La missione, che ha un cuore italiano, mira a rispondere a quelle domande che ancora risultano poco chiare alla comunità scientifica. Una fra tutte, per...