In the framework of "2013: Year of Italian Culture in the US", ISSNAF - Italian Scientistsand Scholars in North America Foundation will award the 2013 ISSNAF Award for theHumanities. The purpose of the Board of Trustees is to acknowledge the research ofyoung Italian scholars in North America, whose commitment to their discipline of studyis innovati...

Italia batte Cina 2-0. Costi bassi e preparazione eccellente rendono competitivi gli italiani. O almeno quella fetta di manodopera «super qualificata» che viene impiegata in settori ad alta tecnologia.   «Abbiamo ingegneri estremamente capaci, che a parità di competenze hanno un costo per noi più basso rispetto a quello dei loro colleghi di...

Who knows America just superficially would never imagine how much interest for Italy there is in the southern United States, nor how many interesting things for us who live in the boot happen in that area, with a focal point in Texas, among the wealthier and more growing States, from every point of view. On December 6, for example, Houston will ho...

The Italian Wow Technology Group was amongst the winners of the "2016 International Projects" competition launched by the Environmental Management Division of the US Department of Energy (DoE). More specifically, the company based in Este, in the province of Padua, was one of the competition's ten winning projects.   Wow Technology thus obta...

A study run by Milan Chamber of Commerce for the HOMI international trade fair for interior design and upscale home decor has shown that Italians invite friends over once every three weeks for lunch or dinner and they spend about 2,000 euros per year.   The 44% of people prefer to invite friends and relatives to their house, "because they th...

Most people are familiar with the Zamboni ice resurfacer, but did you know an Italian American invented the machine? Frank Zamboni was born in Eureka, Utah, in 1901. His parents, both immigrants from Italy, moved their family to a farm in Idaho shortly after his birth.   When he was 15, Frank began to work as a mechanic at a local garag...

FlowMetric, a market leader in flow cytometry and cell sorting services, announced today that they are expanding their global capacity with the launch of a European laboratory facility located at the Parco Tecnologico Padano in Lodi, Italy. Since its launch in March, 2010, FlowMetric has quickly established itself as one of the market leaders in fl...

Biogen Idec (NASDAQ:BIIB), Fondazione Telethon and Ospedale San Raffaele have entered into a worldwide collaboration to jointly develop gene therapies for the treatment of both hemophilia A and B.   The agreement will combine San Raffaele - Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy's (TIGET) extensive expertise in creating new gene therapy strateg...

Antonio Bernardo, 50 anni, nativo di Maddaloni è un'autorità mondiale nel campo della neurosurgery (specificamente la chirurgia della base cranica). Liceo classico Giordano Bruno a Maddaloni, laurea in Medicina alla Federico II, secondo Policlinico. «Furono le lezioni di anatomia del professor Lanza ad spingermi verso tale disciplina».   Att...

by Marcello Mari   With a little help from some big American companies, the Italian technology sector is taking off in the early part of 2016. Last month, the American tech behemoth Cisco Systems announced a series of strategic commitments in Italy that will total $100 million over the next three years.   Cisco signed an agreemen...