di Angelo Casano   Nick Lombardo è uno studente della North Texas University atterrato due settimane fa a Palermo grazie ad un progetto nato dalla collaborazione tra CSNA, SAAT-Associazione dei Siciliani in Texas con il loro fondatore Com.te Vincenzo Arcobelli, con il sostegno del Comites Houston (Comitato degli italiani all'estero) e l'Univ...

by Nina Garin   10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Throughout Little Italy. Free. www.sicilianfesta.com   The Sicilian Festival turns 20 this year, and to celebrate, there will be a performance by Sicilian American tenors Aaron Caruso, Elio Scaccio and Sam Vitale. You'll also be able to experience everything from grape-stomping and folk dancin...

di Antonella Sferrazza   Colore intenso dai riflessi violacei. All'olfatto, evidenti le note speziate, di ciliegia marasca e di frutti rossi. Al palato, ottima struttura e buona freschezza. Così gli enologi descrivono sua maestà il Nero d'Avola, il vino siciliano più famoso al mondo, prodotto dall'omonimo vitigno.   Un vitigno sicilia...

La nuova frontiera del site-building è targata Flazio ed è interamente catanese. Il merito è tutto dei due fratelli Elisa e Flavio Fazio, originari di Paternò, fondatori di una start-up che continua a crescere non sono in Italia, ma anche oltre confine dando filo da torcere ai grandi colossi del digitale.   Dalla precocissima passione per la...

"The Other Italy" Lecture Series and Wine Tasting"Sicily"February 24,"Umbria,"March 34:00 PMHilary's in Horrigan Hall, Bellarmine University$15 members, $20 guests per dateReserve your spot by calling 502.938.8830 or by clicking on the event link under "Upcoming Events".With the publication of Frances Mayes' best-seller Under the Tuscan Sun, Americ...

  WTI Magazine #33    2014 June, 4Author : Vino OK      Translation by:   England and Marsala Port and Sherry wines have in common their history, linked to the trade travels of the English merchants. From '500, the nascent British Merchant Navy was always travelling, browsing the seas to supply the increasingly prosperous economy of the kingdom....

  WTI Magazine #70    2015 October, 16Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Ciao from the East Coast! Welcome to the 70th issue of our online magazine. We've been in New York, where we attended the Columbus Day Parade: a big wave of energy, Italian pride and passion of Italy that every year gives us an incredible strength and confirms to...

Anthony T. Rossi was born in Messina, Italy. As a young man he immigrated to the United States and settled in Long Island in 1921. During the 1930s he operated a grocery store and relocated to Bradenton, FL to operate various food establishments. Anthony grew weary of being a restaurateur and decided to pioneer a new t...

by Chiara Beghelli   Hotels' guest books serve as their résumé: the more famous are the guests who have stayed in their rooms and the oldest their names, the more the hotel can boast a claim to excellence. In Italy, many hotels have an impressive résumé, also thanks to the Grand Tour tradition that, at least since the Seventeenth century, h...

A terracotta head depicting the Greek god Hades that the J. Paul Getty Museum acquired in 1985 is being voluntarily sent back to Sicily, the museum has announced. Getty officials said that the museum has worked with officials from Sicily during the last two years to determine whether it would be appropriate to return the artifact. The museum said...