Courmayeur is rightly famous for its magnificent slopes, but there's more to this mountain resort than skiing. Travel writer Rachael Martin explores all this town at the foot of Italy's highest peak has to offer. Courmayeur is one of the best-known ski resorts in Valle d’Aosta, the Italian north-western region that borders Switzerland and France. I...

You’re young, smart and hold a prestigious degree: the world is at your feet! Or not, because employment opportunities are meagre and you’re still struggling with reaching the end of the month, when you aren’t just living off your parents, at home. Or you may be a trendy professional, well paid and successful, but dangerously close to burning out....

Italy offers a diverse array of fabulous destinations that aren’t only Venice, Rome and Florence. This is a country that should be discovered over a lifetime, preferably returning year after year to truly get to know “il bel paese” in the way it deserves. For those who plan on arriving by air, here is what you need to know before booking a flight t...

825 prodotti agroalimentari e vitivinicoli ad Indicazione geografica protetta (Igp), 5.056 Prodotti agroalimentari tradizionali (Pat) inclusi in un apposito elenco, istituito dal Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari, forestali e del turismo con la collaborazione delle Regioni, 4 beni enogastronomici inseriti nella lista del patrimonio tang...

The Basilica of Santa Maria e San Donato dates to the seventh century, back when the islands comprising the Venetian archipelago were a loose association communities seeing refugee from Germanic invasions. The church’s original dedication was only to Santa Maria—”e San Donato” (“and St. Donatus”) was added in 1125 after the remains of the saint and...

Castelli medievali, fortezze e incredibili balconi sul mare. Piccoli angoli di paradiso che rendono la nostra Campania ancor più bella e ricca. Sono i Borghi più belli in Campania che hanno ricevuto il riconoscimento di “Borghi più belli in Italia”. Questi gioielli in Campania sono 11. Di seguito un fantastico itinerario tra questi luoghi ricchi di...

Italian Botanical Heritage is the census of the Italian botanical and horticultural heritage created in 2014 by botanical journalist Margherita Lombardi. Addressed to garden and landscape enthusiasts or professionals, it now includes more than 2300 “places” connected to Nature all over Italy: parks, historic, contemporary, public and private garden...

We begin a new series about home ownership, sharing true stories of people who have gone through the process of buying a property in Italy to give readers an idea of what to expect - because 'la dolce vita' in real life can be much more different than the fantasy suggests, and being prepared will go a long way in helping you deal with all that come...

Italy is the country with the highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world. Here at Lifeinitaly, we have often dedicated articles to them, giving an overview of UNESCO sites in the North, the Centre and the South of the country, as well as dedicated articles to some of the most famous among them, such as the Archaeological area of Pom...

With a wide elliptical shape, measuring 170-meter-long major axis and a 139-meter-long minor axis, this is the second biggest amphitheatre ever built by Romans, behind only the Colosseum, which was itself modeled on Anfiteatro Campano. It was divided in four levels, with a total height of 46 meters and it was decorated with numerous statues. Probab...