Today more than ever, its position makes it unique and irreplaceable, a real cultural melting pot for the whole of Europe with a look at the world. To this important national event will be added, from 16th of June to 4th of November 2018, the artistic event MANIFESTA12, one of the main contemporary art Biennials on a world scale.

Many baptisteries are octagonal in shape, including the one in Pistoia, dedicated to Saint Giovanni in Corte and dating back to the second half of the 14th century. Most experts believe that the eight-side polygonal floor plan of these holy structures, once built near churches, was inspired by the Bishop of Milan, Saint Ambrose, who promoted the co...

Mozia sizzles in the Sicilian summer sun. The flat island sits in a lagoon just north of Marsala on the west coast of Sicily. The Phoenicians founded a colony on the island in the 8th century BC and named it Motya. They were a Semitic civilization that was located in what today is Syria, Lebanon and north Israel. The Greek gods descended from the P...

Nelle "Terre della resilienza" sono tornati i giovani. Lì, nel piccolo borgo di Morigerati, 70 anime immerse nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano, i ragazzi dopo gli studi universitari sono tornati a casa e con agricoltura sociale, produzione di cibo locale, offerta di escursioni sul dorso di asini e trekking in mezzo alla natura hanno...

Enzo Colombo, ex direttore Enit Usa e Canada, è stato nominato nuovo responsabile sales e marketing di Borghi Italia Tour Network per il Nord America. Colombo avrà il compito di definire le strategie di vendita del t.o. che opera in esclusiva per la commercializzazione del prodotto de I Borghi più belli d’Italia. Quello d’Oltreoceano è un bacino st...

The Gipsoteca Bartolini (Hall of Models) is a unique space where the museum’s origins as a teaching gallery are on display. The Accademia Gallery was first created for students of the art academy nextdoor to study the works of great artists. One of these greats was the 19th-century sculptor and academy professor Lorenzo Bartolini. The Gipsoteca, a...

Quali sono le città del mondo dove si vive meglio e con poco? Le mete per le quali vale la pena «mollare tutto e partire»? La rivista americana Forbes ha redatto una top-ten per scoprirlo, e a sorpresa, dopo località ben più blasonate come Lisbona, Cali (in Colombia), Bali, Belize (sul mar dei Caraibi) e Linguadoca (in Francia), al sesto posto c’è...

I love travelling and have spent most of my life living far from my home. However, every time I come back and have the possibility to spend some time on the island, I feel like I am living in a paradise on earth. The weather, the lifestyle and the incredible beaches that form the northern coast of the region make the time spent here absolutely wort...

Dubbed “La Rotonda” because of its unique architecture, it is a rare example of an eight-sided Catholic church. Construction began in 1594, and it’s believed the architect, Francesco Zamberlan, chose the octagonal shape for the symbolism of the number eight in the Christian religion.  The structure is actually composed of two polyhedrons: the churc...

Let’s play a game of word association. The theme: la dolce vita. Wine? Cheese. Pasta? Pizza. (Have both, you’re in Italy.) Lake Como? George Clooney. If you don’t associate the actor and longtime frequenter of “sexiest man alive” lists with Lake Como, consider yourself one of the unsullied few. Tabloids zealously chronicle his comings and goings fr...