Looking for ways to brighten the darkest month of the year? From ski slopes to fire festivals, marathons to markets, Italy has plenty to offer. Shop like a Milanese: Milan celebrates its patron saint, Sant'Ambrogio, on December 7th. It celebrates with one of the oldest fairs in Italy, Oh Bej! Oh Bej! ("How beautiful!" in local dialect), which takes...

As a stressed-out, workaholic father I was unequivocal… I did not need Oliver's Travels complimentary nanny service for my first foreign holiday with my two young kids Zak and Nell thank you very much. Babysitting…? Pah, not for me! I'll spend every waking minute with the little darlings. No sir-ee, together we are going to fall in love with Puglia...

Italy is drowning in an embarrassment of riches – from Venice to Florence, Naples to Rome, the country often features as a top destination on any traveller’s wish list. While all of this may be good for business, unsustainable levels of mass tourism are pushing locals out of some cities in the country. The most extreme example is Venice: At its pea...

Not many tourists have ever heard about Basilicata, and to be fair the beauties of “Italy’s secret garden” remains unknown to many Italians as well. This is a pity, becase there are at least ten good reasons to spend some time in this beautiful region. The Lonely Planet has chosen Matera, the pearl of the Tyrrhenian, as one of the top 10 cities Bes...

Quali sono i paesi più belli d'Italia? Antichissimi borghi medievali, castelli arroccati su speroni rocciosi, casette bianche abbracciate da boschi segreti e panorami mozzafiato su paradisi naturali: ecco la lista delle 20 città italiane più belle stilata da Skyscanner per il 2017! Ogni Regione d’Italia è unica, e ognuno di questi stupendi paesi lo...

Eating lunch in Italy's Bolgheri wine country, it is not hard to understand why the number of international visitors to this bucolic corner of Tuscany has doubled in five years. "People have always come in the summer for the beaches," says Riccardo Binda, cutting into a succulently tender slice of Florentine steak, grilled over embers. "Now we're g...

Back before the internet age, Nancy Hampton eagerly anticipated her print subscriptions from International Living, so she’d clearly fostered a dream to live overseas for a long time. In the 1990s, she and her husband Luther, managed to garner some good work gigs in Germany; Nancy as a graphic artist and Luther in IT. They loved immersing themselves...

Up to just fifty years ago, the waters of Lake Tovel – in the Non Valley, in the province of Trento – used to turn red in the summer. People – who’ve come here at almost 2,000 meters of altitude since Antiquity – of course came up with a famous legend to explain the phenomenon. They say the queen of Ragoli, Tresenga, refused the matrimonial pursuit...

In the Archaeological Park of the Ancient Appian Way is the monumental Corneli Sepulcher, better known as Barberini Tomb, after the princely family that last owned the estate where this 2nd-century funerary complex rises. On one side of Via Latina, which runs along a row of Rome’s slender pines, this brick temple stands out, intact, since the times...

Buongiorno a tutti! Nada's Italy Small Group Tours is ready to hire a "Journey Expert" for its new upcoming location in Delray Beach, FL! (we are keeping the Charlotte, NC office, so don't worry, more parties coming soon!!). Do you live & breathe to travel and want to share your excitement with others? Are you in love with anything Italian? Are you...