WTI Magazine #82    2016 August 19Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Ciao from Rome! Welcome to the 82nd issue of our online magazine. It is August, but we don't stop! At the end of July, We the Italians has organized part of the Italian mission of the Kansas Lieutenant Governor Jeff Colyer and Commerce Secretary Antonio J. Soave, a...

  WTI Magazine #75    2016 January 18Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   Ciao from Rome! Welcome to the 75th issue of our online magazine, and happy new year. Starting 2016, our magazine becomes monthly. We want to be able to go on with a quality product, and this is the right choice to do that. Big news are coming, so please stay tune...

Registi, giovani filmaker e studenti provenienti da tutta Italia e dall'estero si sono dati appuntamento per festeggiare la X edizione del "Concorso Video Memorie Migranti", che si fregia di due testimonial d'eccezione, i giornalisti Piero Angela e Gian Antonio Stella.   Sabato 12 aprile alle 10 a Gualdo Tadino, presso il Cinema Teatro Don B...