Conviviality, sustainability and innovation: the ingredients of Italian cuisine for the health of people and the protection of the planet. This is the title of the promotional initiative dedicated to the various culinary realities of our country as well as agriculture and its consumption.The project is of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in...

November 14-20, 2022 has marked the 7th edition of La Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo or Italian Cuisine in the World Week. Few dishes are more emblematic of Italian cuisine than pasta and sauce recipes. One of the secrets to success is learning how to pair various pasta shapes with different sauces. You can learn my tips on my blog in a...

This year, the Week of the Italian Cuisine in the World (14-20 Nov.) is dedicated to “Conviviality, Sustainability, and Innovation: the ingredients of Italian cuisine for the health of people and the preservation of the planet.” The two Consortia for the protection of Prosciutto di Parma PDO and Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO, two symbols of Ital...

In the first nine months of 2022 italian agrifood export registered a growth of 10.9 percent. In 2021 it had already registered an increase of +18.2% over 2020, reaching a value of $6.5 billion (of which $2.3 in wine alone). The sector alone generates more than 10 percent of the value of our exports to the U.S., with a very positive impact on small...

This year, we celebrate the 7th edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, an initiative that runs across the world with the support and participation of the Italian consular and diplomatic network, and that involves local Italian culinary realities, as well as some of Italy’s own chefs, agro-food businesses, restaurants and culinary educ...

Conviviality, sustainability and innovation: the ingredients of the Italian cuisine for people’s health and the safeguard of the planet. The program in the United States: November 14 – 20, 2022. Before the week: DETROIT – from October 27 to November 15, 2022; BOSTON – November 9, 2022; SAN FRANCISCO – November 9, 2022; SAN FRANCISCO – November 10,...

On the occasion of the Week of the Italian Cuisine in the World, the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute of Washington present the exhibition FOOD HEROES. The photographic display is dedicated to some regional emblematic and successful stories of virtuous personalities of the Italian food and wine scene. From beekeepers in Friuli-Ve...

On the occasion of the 7th edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, the Department of French and Italian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, invited Prof. Giovanna Frosini to lead an online lecture that will focus on central moments and aspects of Italian language and food experience; particular attention will be given to the analys...

When: November 14 2022 | 6:00 pm - Where: Italian Cultural Institute, 1023 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles Marking the opening of the VII World Week of Italian Cuisine in Los Angeles, ITTV Forum & Festival and the Italian Cultural Institute present a special screening of the medium-length film "Gli Amigos" by Paolo Genovese, a journey into the territor...

The Seventh Annual Week of Italian Cuisine in the World - a weeklong celebration promoting Italian cuisine - is an initiative launched by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs along with other agencies such as the Italian Trade Agency and the Italian Cultural Institutes abroad. Showcasing Italy and the Italian taste with no borders, the Week of I...