A top-tier European soccer club may find its next star on a Sioux Falls youth soccer field. Sampdoria, which plays in Italy's top league for professional soccer, is partnering with the Dakota Alliance Soccer Club to host an annual elite player camp and potential training for youth coaches in Sioux Falls.   The team, based in Genoa, Italy, h...

Oxytocin – the love and bonding hormone – is powering Dr. Toni Galardi's next book.The Italian-American psychotherapist, executive coach, and resident of Marin County, published a well-regarded book in 2010 on how to adapt to change in times of crisis. The LifeQuake Phenomenon–How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) in Times of Personal and Global Upheav...

By Angelo Coniglio Many Americans of Italian descent make the same plaintive comment when asked about the origins of their immigrant ancestors: "My parents (or grandparents) never talked about it." I hope to help you discover long-lost information about your roots.   There are millions of descendants of Italians and Sicilians in the United...

On Sunday, July 27 at 2 p.m. on the museum's Great Lawn, John Gatti will present "Canzoni di Domenica Pomeriggio" ("Songs for a Sunday Afternoon").   Introduced by Professor Louis Leonini, Gatti and his company-Broadway veteran PJ Nelson, and community theater veterans John Mangini, Charles Milo and Al Pica-will perform songs in tribute to D...

Ecletic musician and vocalist Giovanna Gattuso presents her latest album, The King is Naked, produced by Grammy Award winner Ted Perlman   Info Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - Hours: 6.30 pm Venue: IIC LA - Organized by: IIC LA   Source:  

By Giovanni di Napoli   Tuesday (Aug. 19th), I was finally able to go to Saint Luke's Church (16-34 Clintonville Street) in Whitestone, Queens and see the Sacred Image of Our Lady of Romitello. On loan from the Santuario Santa Maria Addolorata di Romitello near Borgetto, in the Province of Palermo, the painting was only on display from Augus...

Last May San Francisco Renaissance Voices (SFRV) concluded their 2013–14 concert season on the theme Kol Israel: The Voice of Judaism in Early Music with a program of sacred music that featured the work of Salamone Rossi (among other composers). Rossi was based in Mantua and served as concertmaster for the court musicians between 1587 and 1628, mea...

For 33 years, the Eldorado has brought the sights, sounds and flavors of Italy to downtown Reno during the Eldorado Great Italian Festival.   The festival, held each year over Columbus Day weekend, is a celebration of Italian culture and traditions. This year, the event will be held October 11-12. Not sure if you can make it? Here are seven...

1. PESCE FRITTO AL CONOGelato's not the only dish you can eat from a cone; you can also get fresh, fried seafood served in a paper cone in the streets of many Italian port towns.   And this is fresh: the seafood comes right off the fishing boats that arrive at the port each morning, and gets tossed in a basic flour batter and then deep-fried...

Il Prof. Antonello Pileggi medico ricercatore presso l'Università di Miami ha ricevuto lo scorso 11 ottobre il riconoscimento Eccellenze Calabresi in U.S.A. Il premio e' stato patrocinato dalla Regione Calabria, il Consolato Generale d'Italia a Miami, l'ODLI (Organizzazione per la Diffusione della Lingua Italiana, agenzia operante sotto gli auspici...

Cathy and Giorgio Borlenghi are a power couple who can't keep still. While he builds some of Houston's most glamorous high-rise towers (Four Leaf, Villa d'Este, Montabello and the new Belfiore), she has created a sparkling new jewelry line, the Mrs. B Collection, that features one-of-a-kind pieces made from Scaramazza pearls.   "I was known...

È datato 10 novembre il decreto con cui il Console generale Adriano Monti conferma la non ammissibilità della lista "Cuore tricolore" alle elezioni del Comites di Chicago. Nel giorno in cui il Consiglio dei Ministri ha rinviato al 17 aprile 2015 le elezioni, dunque, a Chicago si è avuta conferma dell'annullamento delle elezioni. Cosa succederà or...