I nuovi dazi dell'amministrazione Trump sono un "duro colpo" all'agroalimentare italiano e un vantaggio per il "falso made in Italy", portando così a un doppio danno al nostro Paese. È quanto emerge da un'analisi della Coldiretti sugli effetti provocati dai nuovi dazi annunciati da Washington nei confronti dei prodotti dell'Unione Europea per la vi...

Long before Sonny Conto made his professional heavyweight boxing debut at 2300 Arena by pounding Jimmie Levins until the ref stopped the fight in the first round, “Sonny from S. 9th Street” was just a well-known guy from the neighborhood. Like a hyped rap act with posters announcing its first mixtape or a young punk band hustling DIY stickers, the...

Mantua is famous for its history, but culinary enthusiasts know well its delicacies. The mostarda and the sbrisolona, risottos made out of Vialone Nano rice and pumpkin-filled tortelli, Mantuan salami and Vaniglia cotechino, Grana Padano and Parmesan Cheeses...all this in a single Province! It displays the projects of Vespasiano Gonzaga: The histor...

It is no secret that Italians like the idea of “la bella figura” which literally translates to “the beautiful figure.” It specifically means to dress well to make a good impression. Wanting to look appealing is a common desire for Italians, an integral part of the culture we are immersed in as children. In general, we like to look chic whether we a...

Era figlio di emigrati italiani, Rocco Petrone, l’italiano della missione Apollo 11 di cui il prossimo 20 luglio ricorre il 50° anniversario. A ricordare questa singolare figura di scienziato, l’uomo chiave della missione, è il giornalista Renato Cantore nel libro “Dalla terra alla luna. Rocco Petrone, l’italiano dell’Apollo 11”, con prefazione di ...

On Sunday, June 30th, Miami-based wine educator and Wine by the Bay owner, Stefano Campanini received the prestigious, Italian Wine Ambassador pin and certification, at the New York City presentation of the Vinitaly International Academy (VIA) Ambassador Course.  With the support of the ICE – Italian Trade Agency, VIA staged the Italian Wine Ambass...

I met Andrea Camilleri twice in Milan at the Hotel Manin in the late ’90s. The Sicilian literary phenomenon was not a kid at the time. He was already in his seventies when he created Inspector Salvo Montalbano, the main character of his humorous, colorful and intense detective stories. Those books published by Sellerio Editore in Palermo were makin...

Anita Camarella and Davide Facchini Duo will be presenting an Evening of Italian Swing Music Friday at 8 p.m. at Charles and Myrtle's Coffeehouse.  The coffeehouse is inside Christ Unity Church at 105 McBrien Road.  There is a $10 suggested donation at the door.  Review for Anita Camarell and Davide Facchini: The original and beautiful Italian swin...

In attesa dell’ufficializzazione della mancata iscrizione del Palermo in serie B, e la conseguente ripartenza forzata dalla D con una proprietà senza debiti, circolano già i nomi pronti a rilevare il club. Tra questi, c’è anche Tony Di Piazza, imprenditore italoamericano originario di San Giuseppe Jato, interessato a riportare il Palermo dove merit...

Every July 4, Americans around the globe celebrate in grand style the anniversary of the ratification of the Declaration of Independence. On that date 243 years ago, 56 brave men from 13 American colonies took the bold step, which, as Abraham Lincoln put it 87 years later, “brought forth…a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the prop...

Move over Coney Island and its Fourth of July hot dog-eating contest: Staten Island has something bolder and more caloric for the occasion. At 11 a.m. this Thursday, Empire Outlets will host a cannoli-eating competition. There are 15 spots open for the throw-down, a spectacle open to the viewing public on the main stage of the new St. George shoppi...

The Little Italy Association has obtained a copy of the Lovely Warren administration's $100,000 "Commercial Corridor Study" report, published a few days ago by the City Administration and its private consultant, Place Dynamics. The Little Italy Association participated in the study as an invited member of the study's focus group, as did Italian-Ame...