by Ted Cox Native Americans will get their revenge on Christopher Columbus in Chicago with Indigenous People's Day joining Columbus Day if a new proposal clears the City Council. Aldermen Ameya Pawar (47th) and Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th) submitted a proposal at Wednesday's Council meeting. If approved, it would mandate that "in conjun...
Quel 27 novembre 1901 era la vigilia di Thanksgiving, un freddo e cupo pomeriggio d'autunno che in Michigan significa inverno inoltrato. Vicino a Seneca, piccolo villaggio a poche miglia dal confine con l'Ohio, la Wabash Railroad aveva un solo binario. Il Continental Express viaggiava spedito alla volta di Detroit con il suo carico di fami...
Despite a steady drizzle, the seventh annual Columbus Day parade in Jersey City today drew scores of people and completed its route as planned. The parade kicked off shortly after 1 p.m. at Dickinson High School and was making its way down Newark Avenue toward its endpoint at City Hall when it began to rain lightly. Read more &nb...
On the eve of the release of her new album, Joanne, Lady Gaga surprised fans by bringing her Bud Light-sponsored dive bar tour back to her home city last night. Playing in front of a crowd of 230 or so inside a tiny Greenwich Village joint Gaga has frequented -- and performed at -- since she was in her teens (we're not allowed to reveal wh...
On October 26, Georgetown's beloved pizzeria napoletana, Il Canale, was buzzing even more than usual. Crowds of local and visiting Italians, Il Canale veterans, and family and friends congregated on 31st street to get a taste of guest chef Gennaro Luciano's pizza. Luciano is the owner and head chef of the famous Antica Pizzeria Port'...
When: Friday, December 9, 2016 • Starts at 7:30 pm Where: Heinz History Center Purchase tickets | $15 for adults, $12 for seniors, and $10 for students, military, and History Center membersFEATURING MARCO FIORANTE, DANIELA PASQUINI, AND VITO DISALVO Join the History Center's Italian American Program as we celebrate the holidays in style with a c...
By Pamela Selbert Though Tom Fanara is a Realtor by vocation and serious bowler by avocation (he's been a member of various leagues since he was a kid and consistently averages in the 220s, he says), he is probably better known around the neighborhood for his culinary skills. That's because he's also a member of an unofficial committee th...
"I wanted to do a cool neighborhood event that brought the neighbors together," said Joe Gardella, proprietor of Joe Benny's Focacceria about the January 8 Little Italy Meatball Fest at the Little Italy Lodge. "Little Italy is such an awesome place. I love it. What better piece of Italian food than the meatball? Everyone has their own meatball stor...
Washington DC (15/11/2012) – L'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington e l'ospedale psichiatrico St Elizabeth ospitano per due giorni un simposio scientifico dal titolo "Salute mentale, una priorità negletta". Obiettivo del seminario, che si inserisce nelle attività di cooperazione in campo medico tra Italia e Stati Uniti, e' quello di rafforzare le colla...
Nel 2013, mentre si celebra l'Anno della cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti, Globus et Locus, insieme al Center for Italian Studies della University of Pennsylvania, il Consolato italiano a Philadelphia e AISLLI (Associazione Internazionale per gli Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana), organizza un Convegno internazionale dal titolo "Italicity....
Anche se ti chiami Kennedy non è detto che il tuo destino sia quello di entrare in politica. Magari sei solo un ragazzo normale classe '84 che, come molti suoi coetanei americani, ha deciso di studiare un anno in Italia e ha vissuto come uno dei tanti studenti universitari fuori sede, tra amori incasinati, nuovi amici, discoteche, lavori improvvisa...
"Gli italiani? Sono i migliori clienti". Parola di Ivana, broker di Manhattan "con la fortuna di parlare la vostra lingue", come tiene a precisare. Da poco superati i 43 anni, nipote di immigrati, nata e cresciuta nella Grande Mela, Ivana è un'agente immobiliare impegnata a battersi su mercato più competitivo degli Stati Uniti, dove farsi largo è d...