Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo, D-Endwell, was elected to serve as President of the New York Conference of Italian-American State Legislators for a two-year term. Lupardo has been a member of the conference since 2005. It is a bipartisan organization of New York State Assembly and Senate members of Italian descent. The Conference mission is to highli...

Italian super sports car marque launches new series, expands into third continent. Lamborghini Super Trofeo Mono Marque series makes USA debut sanctioned by International Motor Sports Association.Automobili Lamborghini has announced its single marque racing series, the Lamborghini Super Trofeo, will launch in North America in 2013. The North Americ...

Actress and producer Annabella Sciorra will lead the list of honorees at the National Italian American Foundation's (NIAF) New York Spring Extravaganza at Cipriani 42nd Street, on April 4, 2013. Sciorra will be joined by Mark J. Casella, a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP; Gerard A. Donini, chief operating officer of Corporate and Investment...

When: May 7 and May 8 — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Where: Boston City Hall — 1 City Hall Square, Boston, MABarrique – The Third Life of Wood is collaboration between San Patrignano, an Italian non-profit, and over thirty of the world's leading designers and architects to create high-end furniture and décor using aged European wine barrels. The mission is to t...

Di Mauro Battocchi   Check out this rare documentary of Lawrence Ferlinghetti, in which he explores his love of Italian language and the particulars of his Italian heritage. This rich snapshot of the historic poet comes thanks to the dedicated work of Mauro Aprile Zanetti, creator and director, who was granted the amazing opportunity to inte...

Rubenstein Public Relations (RPR) has announced that it will be launching and representing The Luciano Pavarotti Foundation USA, the firm's president Richard Rubenstein said today. The Luciano Pavarotti Foundation USA is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization that follows the philanthropic wishes of one of the most successful Italian operatic t...

Il Ministro delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali Nunzia De Girolamo ha ricevuto ieri pomeriggio l'Ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti d'America David Thorne.   Nel corso dell'incontro è stata condivisa l'importanza dell'avvio dei negoziati per l'accordo TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Parnership) tra UE e Stati Uniti, un accor...

A traveling exhibition promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and created by the CNR (Italian National Research Council) in collaboration with IIT (Italian Institute of Technology), the INFN (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics,) and the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies 'Italy of the Future' is an exploration of Italy's most rece...

Uno dei più straordinari tesori italiani, il "Codice sul Volo degli Uccelli" di Leonardo da Vinci, sarà esposto a Washington al National Air and Space Museum dello Smithsonian per 40 giorni, dal 13 settembre al 22 ottobre.   Questo straordinario documento, creato nel 1505 circa, mostra l'interesse di Leonardo per il volo dell'uomo attraverso...

The U.S. Department of Justice on Friday August 23, 2013, was the site of the 53rd Annual Ceremony honoring Charles J. Bonaparte, the 46th Attorney General and founder of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in a program organized by Francesco Isgro, Chair of the Friends of Charles Bonaparte.   The event's Keynote Speaker, Lisa Monaco, Assis...

There's nothing like a little comfort and a little fun, especially when it's all rolled up into one ... meatball, that is! Meatball & Co. is the newest addition to Darien's most tasteful establishments, but this one is a little different. This is a place where quality ingredients come together in the form of cleverly created meatballs and...

Clark UNICO Chapter President Ralph Bernardo announces that the 7th Annual UNICO Italian American Feast is just around the corner. This year's feast will take place Columbus Day Weekend – Oct. 11-12-13, on the Clark Municipal Building grounds at 430 Westfield Ave. The feast will be open Friday, from 6-11 p.m., Saturday, from 1-11 p.m. and Sunday, f...