La "top trenta" dei siti più visitati d'Italia è un viaggio emozionante nelle bellezze della Campania. La classifica è stilata dal ministero dei Beni Culturali che prende come punto di riferimento il numero di visitatori e crea l'elenco.   Al primo posto c'è, ovviamento, il Colosseo. Subito dopo gli scavi tormentati di Pompei e poi, via via,...

By Katherine Poythress Forbes says San Diego's Little Italy neighborhood downtown is one of the nation's top communities for young professionals. This week, it ranked San Diego 10th out of the top 25 cities for so-called Millennials, ages 25 to 34, and identified Little Italy as the city's most Millennial-friendly neighborhood.   New York,...

Un collegamento via Skype con il Metropolitan Opera di New York aprirà stasera la quattro-giorni di festa per la 63^ Sagra del Pesce presentata nei giorni scorsi in Liguria e in programma domenica a Camogli, con la distribuzione di tre tonnellate di frittura nel maxi-padellone del Guiness dei Primati di 26 quintali e quattro metri di diametro. &nb...

Since 2010, the Italian American Heritage Festival has drawn more than 30,000 people coming from a greater than five state area to enjoy a day in celebration of Italian heritage and culture. The festival features excellent Italian food, top-rated entertainment, and activities designed to involve attendees of all ages.   The Festival's missi...

Star Market is coming to town as part of the Boston Garden project and the team is reaching out to various neighborhood groups, most recently to the ITAM Post 8 and Friends of the North End Bocce League.   "As part of Shaw's and Star Market's longstanding ties to local communities for more than 150 years, the company on May 18th was pleased...

Vicenza incanta l'ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti d'America John R. Phillips. E' accaduto stamani quando il massimo rappresentante della diplomazia americana in Italia, in visita per la prima volta in città insieme alla moglie e al console generale Kyle R. Scott, è stato accompagnato dal vicesindaco Jacopo Bulgarini d'Elci prima in Basilica Palladia...

Last October's 200th anniversary of Verdi's birth unleashed a flurry of performances of the Verdi Requiem that hasn't subsided. This most operatic of Requiems concludes the 2014 Oregon Bach Festival Sunday in Eugene.   What makes this performance especially tantalizing is its young but proven solo quartet: soprano Tamara Wilson, mezzo-sopran...

Few business journalists make their way into pop culture. Then there's Maria Bartiromo, who was dubbed as the "Money Honey." Joey Ramone of the Ramones was clearly smitten with her, too. He sang her praises in his song, "Maria Bartiromo."   "I've traveled the world, largely on business going from Asia to Europe and Brazil," says the 46-year-...

Long Island has been a hub of Italian-American culture for as long as Italians have settled in the tri-state area, and Italian-Americans make up the biggest percentage of the population of immigrant descendants in both Nassau and Suffolk counties, according to a study of the Long Island Italian-American community by Vincenzo Milione, a researcher a...

Dear Friends, The American Initiative For Italian Culture Benefit Gala is approaching! As you already know, AIFIC intends to be a two-way bridge between Italy and the United States to promote appreciation of Art and Culture in our communities and enhance mutual understanding. Our organization ( is targeted especially to emerging ar...

Pasta fans were quick off the mark on Monday, as Olive Garden sold out of its exclusive unlimited dining passes in less than two hours. The US restaurant chain offered 1,000 customers the chance to snap up a $100 pass that will allow them to eat as much as they like between 22 September and 9 November, for its never ending pasta bowl promotion. &...

Delight your senses with the music and dancing of Newpoli, a group of exceptionally talented musicians who specialize in Southern Italian Folk Music & Dancing   Friday, October 17 at 8:30 pm - 41 Hampshire St, Cambridge 02139 - (617)876-5160 For information and tickets, click here Tickets, $20 in advance, $22 a...