An exhibition of works by Giulio Turcato. Curated by Isabella del Frate Rayburn. Catalogue edited by Martina Caruso. Sponsored by Maurice Kanbar. On view through December 12, 2014 - Mon-Fri 10-5.   Giulio Turcato's drawings were never a focus of his three past solo shows in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s.Th...

Valorizzare e promuovere storie personali di successo, persone coraggiose, creative e realtà produttive e prodotti innovativi in grado di rappresentare il Made in Italy.   Sono queste le motivazioni che hanno dato vita al "Premio Eccellenza Italiana" presieduto da Santo Versace e pensato e ideato da Massimo Lucidi, giornalista ed Emotional D...

We invite you to join us Friday November, 7 at Osteria del Principe for our "NEW YORK ITALIANS APERITIVO".​Come meet and mingle with New York Italians partners, Italian companies and professionals, new and existing members. Stop by, enjoy a drink, some complimentary hors d'oeuvres and great networking ...Italian style!   Read more   S...

Contributors are needed for Italian-Americans: A History and Culture of a People, a historical reference book scheduled to be published by ABC-CLIO.   The book will be comprised of about 160 entries on various topics pertaining to Italian-American history and culture divided into five areas: I. Patterns of emigration: Urban and rural settlem...

Deputata eletta in Nord America, Fucsia Nissoli (Pi) si è recata, ieri sera, a New York per l'incontro dell'associazione Aidone dei siciliani di Brooklyn. Durante l'incontro, Nissoli ha premiato l'uomo dell'anno, Gaetano Messina, ed ha ricordato l'importanza dell'appuntamento elettorale per il rinnovo dei Comites che è stato spostato al 17 aprile 2...

Nell'ambito delle serate Live Jazz organizzate dal Bar Felice, trova spazio anche il compositore, pianista e film maker Emanuele Tozzi. Già da bambino Tozzi ha minifestato la sua passione per la musica, che lo ha portato quasi naturalmente a iniziare a comporre canzoni.   Dopo aver studiato per tutta la sua infanzia, ha frequentato la Scuola...

C'è un compositore d'altri tempi che ha esportato il suo sapere oltre l'oceano. Da Roma a Los Angeles, Gabriele Ciampi è un italiano che ha esportato il suo modo di comporre negli Usa. Un orgoglio nostrano che scrive musica usando solo pianoforte, carta e matita. E che dirige la CentrOrchestra mixando un look contemporaneo e una chiave romantica....

The Columbus Citizens Foundation is deeply saddened by the passing of former Governor Mario M. Cuomo. The Governor was an extraordinary Italian American and a powerful voice for the community he served as well as the American people. He was not only a major force in the political arena but a true representative of integrity, respectability and exem...

For a decade now, Sicily has been among the most exciting wine regions in the world. I've fallen in love with reds and whites, wines full of freshness and vitality, complexity and a sense of place, from both Mount Etna in the east and the region centering on Vittoria in the southeast.   The most interesting Sicilian reds are made primarily o...

Just a few weeks ago, Yankee legend Joe DiMaggio would have turned 100 years old. Each year, as we swing into the baseball season, three things bring me to an out-of-body, "Field Of Dreams" experience: having a couple of smokie-link sandwiches in the left field box seats at Wrigley facing the base that Santo built; throwing down a cold one while wa...

This is your once a year opportunity to support Il Circolo in a BIG way!Each season we celebrate Il Circolo's growth and achievements at our annual gala by recognizing and honoring a distinguished person who has contributed to the enhancement of the community.   The proceeds from the gala make it possible to continue our ongoing commitment t...

Milano Unica, the European textile trade show formed when several well-established Italian trade shows—including IdeaBiella, Moda In and Shirt Avenue—joined forces 10 years ago, is preparing to launch its first New York show in July.   The trade show took its showcase of Italian fabrics and trim to Shanghai in 2013, when it began exhibiting...