‘I first visited Capri in 2002, on my honeymoon. My husband and I went late in the summer and we loved everything about it. We stayed at the Grand Hotel Quisisana, and I think we must have booked the tiniest room in the hotel because we could barely fit the luggage in, but we had such a good time. Evening drinks at the hotel were a highlight before...

Italy’s Amalfi Coast is already famed for its magnificent natural attractions, including a gorgeous rugged coastline and crystal-clear beaches. If you’re in search of such a beach where you’ll find incredible scenery, head to the town of Furore, located in the Campania region of Italy, where a gigantic fjord opens up to create its very own hidden b...

Perched on a cliff on the Gargano promontory of Puglia, Vieste is a great summer destination. The town has been awarded the Blue Flag by the Foundation for Environmental Education several times thanks to the quality of its waters, part of the Gargano National Park. Vieste's most known site is Pizzomunno, a vertical rocky monolith standing at 25 m (...

My longtime friends Sharon and Mel are preparing to spend a month this fall in a rented villa in Lucca, Italy, the town in Tuscany from which my Italian ancestors come. And, candidly, I am just plain jealous. We have not been there since 2011, which is far too long. Our life here at home in America is busy, and our time and resources — both financi...

E’ bella e finita ed in settimana sarà spedita da Brusciano a New York la veste del Giglio di East Harlem che è stata costruita presso la “Bottega d‘Arte Sessa” del bruscianese Carmine Sessa, su progetto di Fiore D’Amore intitolato “Union in Faith-Unione nella Fede”. In due mesi di lavoro il disegno è stato tradotto plasticamente nei moduli in legn...

While massive economic and societal shifts were taking place up and down the Italian peninsula in the postwar era, rural folks headed to town—as any fan of Italian cinema knows from groundbreaking depictions by acclaimed directors of the displaced leading rough lives in crowded cities. And, while it’s hard to believe that tenant farming was still a...

Half a century ago, the picturesque Sicilian town of Poggioreale was hit by an earthquake that caused most of its citizens to flee for good, even though many buildings remained standing. What they left behind has become one of Italy's largest ghost towns -- a place frozen at the exact time of the earthquake. In the school, only part destroyed, pupi...

Naples hides treasures in every corner, places where nature has expressed all its inspiration that enchants you to look at them and lead you to live them in every aspect. Among all the beauties that the city can offer, one of the most famous, is the Phlegraean area. For centuries the Phlegraean area has always fascinated the hundreds of visitors wh...

Un’Italia a più velocità, fra differenze sedimentate e spesso radicali, che quasi si stenta a credere si tratti di una Nazione sola. Unita dall’enorme ricchezza culturale, divisa nella capacità di amministrarla, di farne occasione di crescita, sviluppo, aggregazione, maturazione sociale. Strumento di consapevolezza civica e anche volano per l’econo...

Istrian Lamb, oil, Vitovska wines and Tabor cheese. The offspring of the hard Carso uplands, battered by the wind and rich in attractive little villages. And in cosmopolitan Trieste, a special cooked ham, confectioners and historical cafes. The harsh upland of the Carso is buffeted by the wind but well-endowed with characteristic little villages, m...