Nel quadro delle iniziative in favore del vino italiano sui mercati internazionali abbiamo il piacere di comunicare che è prevista la realizzazione della 4^ edizione del progetto Italian Wine Week 2015 – VINO 2015 (IWW). L'iniziativa prevede un programma articolato di azioni a favore del vino italiano con l'obiettivo di consolidare e ampliare l'of...
READ MOREUn buon bicchiere di vino non è solo un innegabile piacere, ma anche l'importante tassello di un settore economico che solo negli Stati Uniti produce 1,1 milioni di posti di lavoro e contribuisce con 162 miliardi l'anno all'economia nazionale. Con questi presupposti Mike Thompson, membro del Congresso statunitense, e l'ambasciatore italiano Claudio...
READ MOREThe 8th edition of the annual American Cancer Society's "Taste of Hope" fundraiser in New York is again supported by Italy's finest wines on May 2nd. Vinitaly International renews its commitment to the important cause of the American Cancer Society (ACS), whilst realizing one of New York's top charity events this year at 82 Mercer (82, Mercer Stree...
READ MORE"In Italia siamo grandi, qui dei nani. Dobbiamo crescere, è il mercato ad imporcelo". Francesco Zonin - vicepresidente della casa vinicola vicentina e responsabile commerciale – non ha dubbi. Il mercato statunitense offre al vino italiano grandi soddisfazioni ma le regole del gioco qui sono profondamente diverse, anzitutto dal punto di vis...
READ MOREby Chiara Giovoni Ok, 21 June has passed, it is officially summer and the "Mediterranean diet" requires a shift towards fish recipes. If you have access to a sea-view terrace, so much the better. If, however, you are not skilled cooks and you have decided that your salvation for the holidays will be dining in a typical restaurant on your d...
READ MOREby Jennifer Martin This month I interviewed local Italian wine expert, Ciro Pirone. I met Pirone when I recently took the Italian Wine Specialist certification course through the North American Sommelier Association. He happened to be the coordinator of the course, and I immediately gravitate to folks that not only have a love for Italy, b...
READ MOREby Kerin O'Keefe Readers often ask me: what's your favorite wine? That's a tough question, because I love so many, from full-bodied Barolos to the elegant, almost ethereal reds from Mt. Etna, from mineral-driven Soaves to complex, savory Verdicchios. But one thing many of my top picks have in common is vine age, with wines made from old v...
READ MOREPuglia, the region that stretches for more than 250 miles to form the "heel" of the Italian peninsula, is as diverse as it is expansive. Vast olive orchards give way to coastal plains lapped by two seas and vineyards create a colorful mosaic from north to south. The long, hot summers and myriad microclimates nurture dozens of native grape...
READ MOREBy Carol Ann Benanti Bravo, Italia! After last year's sold out foray into French culture with "Fantastique," members of the Staten Island Museum will play host to "Bravissimo!" — a celebration of Italian wine, food, and music to be staged at a private hillside home with a panoramic view on Thursday, July 9 from 7 to 10 p.m. W...
READ MOREby Giorgio dell'Orefice Italy's central region of Emilia-Romagna has set itself an ambitious goal: restyling its appellations and identifying four major wine-producing areas. Together, regional authorities and the Enoteca Regionale are working to reposition the region's labels so as to enhance the role of fine wine and food as a sig...