The Italian Trade Commission's Atlanta office was shuttered last year and the responsibility for Georgia brought back to the Miami office where it could be more efficiently operated, the nation's consul general told Global Atlanta. But that by no means indicates a lack of interest in Georgia and the five states and numerous Caribbean terri...
During the 1920s, William "Bill" P. Falsetta often dealt with discrimination head-on. Falsetta grew up in Grand Ledge and was picked on for his Italian-American heritage. Verbal abuse affected the way he did his schoolwork and often led to his peers' refusal to play sports with him. But no matter how bad it got, Falsetta didn't hold r...
April 20, 2016. Wednesday 7:30 PM. Angelica's Bistro, 863 Main Street. Redwood City, California 94063. Aria Bella Trio- Classical & Opera Italian Songs. Featuring: Gloria Mendieta Gazave, Anna Maria Mendieta, and Joyce Lee The Aria Bella Trio has delighted audiences of all ages. With the beautiful combinat...
The Columbus Citizens Foundation is thrilled with the Colorado House State, Veterans and Military Committee's recent vote of 7 to 2 rejecting a bill that would have ended the celebration of Columbus Day as a state holiday. Colorado was the first state to recognize Columbus Day in 1907, when Italian-American Denver resident Angelo Noce lobb...
The drone of children babbling and crying during Father Timothy Elliott's homily did not phase him one bit. He knew their presence was a precious gift, all because of a special saint. Families came to St. Gianna Church for Mass April 30 to meet Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla on her historic first visit to the Wentzville parish, founded 10 years ag...
The Illinois Order Sons of Italy Foundation is accepting applications for $1,000 college scholarships. Graduating high school seniors who are fully or partially of Italian ancestry can apply. Applicants will be selected based on financial need, scholastic achievements, high school activities showing character and leadership, a personal essay a...
Quando: Martedì, 7 giugno 2016, 5:00PM-6:30PMDove: Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Rome Auditorium, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20009The US-Italy Global Affairs Forum In collaborazione con SAIS, European and Eurasian Studies SAIS Italian Society Vi...
By popular reader demand, I sampled Scimeca's Italian sausage at a yellow-tarp-roofed booth on Kennedy Plaza. A reader/fan of the booth told me it was called Cappuccino Connections, though one worker at the booth assured me it was called World's Best Lemonade. Other booth workers really had no idea what it was called. I suppose there...
The SLS Brickell has just announced its opening date and two signature restaurants. The hotel, located at 1300 S. Miami Ave., is slated to open in early October and will be the home to José Andrés' Bazaar Mar, a seafood-centric version of the chef's popular the Bazaar by José Andrés in Miami Beach. The property will also house Fi'lia, an I...
Just in time for your Fourth of July picnic comes word from Italy that researchers say they have found no link between pasta and obesity. Indeed, they insist, the very opposite turns out to be true. They reached that conclusion after examining the eating habits of 23,000 Italians. Their findings, released today in the journal Nutritio...
Street painting has been part of the artistic canon since the middle ages. In 16th-century Europe, artists would create temporary works of art with chalk in public spaces, such as in front of a church or fountain. It was a way for underemployed artists to hawk their skill and attract commissions — or simply earn some tips to pay for a meal. &...
"But that's not the way I heard it said by my parents," I responded when told how to pronounce "hard-headed" in Italian. " 'Desta dutta' is the way they said it, not 'testa dura.' " Oh, the complexities of trying to learn to speak Italian in the sixth decade of your life. But as a second-generation Italian-American, as with most of my gene...