Sarà presto negli Usa la Redazione di Umdi UN MONDO D'ITALIANI, uno dei pochi giornali quotidiani al mondo dedicati agli italiani ovunque, dedicati agli italiani ovunque, diretto da Mina Cappussi, pronto a seguire gli eventi di Filitalia International, il Gran Galà, gli incontri con gli imprenditori italo-americani e con coloro che potrebbero ess...

When MX Solar USA, the U.S. subsidiary of an Italian solar panel manufacturer, ceased production at its Somerset County plant last year, it left a gash in the state's bleeding industry — until another Italian solar manufacturing firm recently started reversing the hemorrhaging by opening a warehouse in Parsippany. After growing its warehouse footp...

Cristina Fontanelli has become a well-known personality through her recordings, her appearances on TV, radio, in concert, nightclubs, and opera, and through her acting debut on network television. Her most recent accomplishment is as PBS Host for Andrea Bocelli's historic free concert in Central Park also starring Celine Dion, David Foster and Tony...

Philadelphia ha festeggiato la scorsa settimana il 50° anniversario del primo volo spaziale italiano e la grande collaborazione in campo aeronautico tra Italia e Stati Uniti con un seminario dal titolo "Flying High From Helicopters to Space: Italy and the United States, Fifty Years of Technological Partnership" organizzato dal Consolato Generale d'...

San Francisco è un po' la capitale dell'italianità sulla west coast. Mèta di forte emigrazione italiana, luogo di rappresentanza della "frontiera" americana che non a caso si spostava verso ovest, luogo simbolo dell'innovazione: questa città e la zona della California del Nord rappresentano molto per l'Italia negli Stati Uniti. E' lì che da settemb...

Il quindicesimo appuntamento annuale "Educators Awards" della Association of Italian American Educators che coincide con il 2013 Anno della Cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti, è stato festeggiato domenica da centinaia di persone presso la sala ricevimenti Chateau Briand situata a Carle Place a Long Island. L'annuale premiazione e consegna di borse...

ELENA CIVOLI BRITTAIN is a whimsical and prolific contemporary artist whose abstract series range from brightly colored surfaces, to bold textured collages, to unstructured images layered in muted tones. Elena was born in Italy. The daughter of an Italian Army colonel from Florence, she grew up in cities all over Italy, but considers herself a Fior...

by Mauro Battocchi   Wind energy is increasingly being seen worldwide as a low cost, clean source for electricity and is also creating major new business opportunities for manufacturing and materials innovation. At the forefront of zeal for wind energy lies Italy and California, who both have significant installed capacity and ambitious deve...

by Lisa Van Eyssen   Pajamas. Wearing them anywhere with a sweater to keep warm is truly the most freeing experience. Add your cushiest slippers mixed with the quiet early morning rhythm on Montana Avenue, and you have the real comforts of home spanning the length of your neighborhood.   Now, you could always hit the local Peets or St...

Sponsored by the Saint Joseph Society of Boston July 28th—30th, 2013 Saint Joseph Society - 467 Hanover Street - Boston, MA 02133 - (617) 720-1368   Begun in 1925, the St. Joseph Feast is an annual authentic festival in the North End featuring processions, parades, strolling singers, marching bands, live entertainment and th...

di Monica Gasbarri, Think News - ItaliaChiamaItalia La bandiera italiana rimane alta nel mondo. Se in casa nostra il turismo interno sembra aver perso quel certo appeal che una bella vacanza "casareccia" ha sempre avuto – tanto da far mettere nei decenni passati armi e bagagli sul cofano della propria macchina per partire all'avventura, ma rigoros...

Bocce, Italian bowling, is for everyone, even the chronically feeble like myself. I came early to the game thanks to a high Catholic upbringing. Catholic education was responsible for my introduction to bocce, at the end of a trip to a shrine.  With hot weather came the Italian excuse for extended picnics: the holy pilgrimage. With myself as...