When you think of Italy, famous cities like Rome, Venice and Florence definitely come to mind. And while these are home to wonderful landmarks such as the Trevi Fountain, St. Mark’s Basilica and the Statue of David, they are also some of the biggest tourist traps in the country. Of course visiting them should be on your travel bucket list, but if y...

Cibus, the world's oldest and most famous Italian food fair, is going annual. For 40 years Cibus has taken place every even year. But from now on there will also be an event in odd years - Cibus Connect. The new fair, organised by the Fiere di Parma trade-fair centre company and Italian food-industry federation Federalimentare, will focus primarily...

Parma's Palatine Library is one of those wonderful places where "immortal souls" speak to us, as Pliny the Elder would have said. Or, to quote Marguerite Yourcenar, it is "a public granary, accumulating stocks for the winter of the spirit". Founded in 1761 and opened eight years later, in May 1769, the Palatine Library was named after the Temple of...

They call it "the villa of masterpieces": from Gentile da Fabriano to Dürer, Titian and Van Dyck, from Canova to the upsetting group portrait by Goya - not to mention Monet, Cézanne, Morandi, de Chirico, Burri and many more - musicologist and collector Luigi Magnani's villa just outside Parma, surrounded by a park, harbors many treasures. Visitors...

by Ben Quinn and Alberto Nardelli Being categorised by the Word Health Organisation as a cause of cancer might be bad enough, but being lumped in with English bangers and bacon has prompted a particularly outraged response from the guardian's of Italy's sacred tradition of Parma ham.   "Prosciutto di Parma isn't a processed meat or a sausag...

Il gruppo farmaceutico Chiesi di Parma ha creato un proprio fondo di Venture Capital, ChiesiVentures, attraverso una collaborazione strategica con A.M. Pappas & Associates. Lo ha reso noto la societa'. L'obiettivo e' di espandere la rete di contatti Chiesi negli Stati Uniti presso istituzioni accademiche, investitori nel mondo del Venture Capit...

Scenario incoraggiante per il comparto della meccanica strumentale italiana che si riconosce nella business community che fa capo a Cibus Tec - Food Pack, tra le più importanti manifestazioni del panorama internazionale dedicate al food processing and packaging che prenderà il via a Parma il 28 ottobre.   Nel complesso una forza attrattiva d...

  WTI Magazine #73    2015 November 27Author : MIPAAF      Translation by:   Parmigiano Reggiano has ancient origins dating back to the 12th century. The first cheese dairies began in the Cistercian and Benedictine monasteries of Parma and Reggio Emilia. Abundant streams, pastures and salt from Salsomaggiore allowed the diffusion of a hard chees...

di Daniele Sparisci   Compravano automobili usate in America, le importavano con il container e le modificavano riempiendole di sensori, scanner e telecamere per farle guidare da sole. Dovevano coprire i loghi per evitare cause legali con i costruttori.   Con il budget tutto da inventare e l'entusiasmo alle stelle di una start up a pr...

By Matt Blitz As if anyone needed another reason to visit Italy, the country now has the world's largest maze. The northern Italian city of Parma is the home of Parmesan cheese and, as of late May this year, also the Masone Labyrinth (Labyrinth of Mason), a 20-acre, star-shaped bamboo labyrinth that winds its way around a golden pyramid.  ...